Time flies

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It has been 9 years, since the night I left Charming

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It has been 9 years, since the night I left Charming. I was helping Addy with her homework and Filip was at soccer practice. Life was good... it was normal. Addison was 2 and Filip was 4 when I took them away from Chibs and the sons, they don't ask about him, I don't think they remember.  I felt guilty for the first year, i felt like the kids knew somehow and I felt bad for Chibs.  I only broke once and drove the kids out to Charming, it was Chibs' birthday, but when I got to the welcome to Charming sign I turned around. 

During the second year I got a job and brought a house, it was in this second year that I realised I was better without the sons of anarchy and part of me in moments during that first year thought I needed them, I didn't settle down or unpack because I thought they would come after me and a small part of me really wanted them to. After that time seemed to fly by and I didn't think about them as much.

After I finished helping addy with her homework we got into the car and went to pick Filip up from practice.

"Hey Guys" i said as I looked into the rear view mirror "want to stop and get some ice cream?"

A collective yes rang out through the car followed by fits of giggles and I smiled to myself, these kids were my life.

We were sitting outside the ice cream shop, Filip was talking about how many goals he scored today during practice and Addy was talking back about her science project. I was listening intently and looking around at the town, it was sunny and perfect. Suddenly my heart started to beat faster as my eyes fell upon a man with blonde hair and black vest. He hadn't noticed me and I stared a moment longer just to make sure that the man I have just seen was indeed Jax Teller. I tried not to panic as I tried to make up an excuse to the kids that we needed to get back to the house. I guided them to the car trying to hurry them along and shield them from view.  I started the car and sped off towards the house constantly glancing in my rear view mirror.  Once we were home I got the kids inside and locked the doors.  But I couldn't help but let my mind keep wandering back to Jax, deep deep down, I wanted him to see me. 

An hour later I was watching tv, trying to keep my mind busy. 

"Mum!!!" I heard Addison call out to me from the front door and then she came running into the living room. 

"A man is here to see you!"

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