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I visited the hospital every morning, it had almost been a week and that stubborn man still did not want to wake up.  Although I could joke about it now and told everyone he is catching up on sleep before the baby gets here!
Jax was already up and about but Tara insisted he remain laying down. What is it with these guys and not doing as they were told.
I was getting ready to leave the hospital when I passed Tara in the hall.
"Hey Tara can I ask a favour?"
"Sure! What's up?"
"Well I was wondering if you could do a scan and tell me if the baby is a boy or a girl?"
Tara smiled at me and instantly grabbed my hand a pulled me down the corridor. This made my excitement grow! For once I was feeling excited about this baby and I was so lucky to have Tara with me.
I laid down on the table and Tara had gotten another Dr who would do the ultrasound.
"It'll be a nice surprise for Chibs when he wakes up"
15 minutes later I was all done and Tara and I walked back down the hall talking excitedly to one another. We turned into chibs' room and saw Gemma sitting there.
"What are you two smiling about?" She said.
"I found out the gender of the baby!" I said with another big smile.
"Want to know what it is grandma?" I laughed and Gemma did to.
"Oh sweetie! What are we having?"
"Well ... it's a girl!" I beamed. Gemma jumped up and gave me a hug.
"You're having a girl?"
I heard the voice behind me and spun around to see Tig standing there smiling.
"Yes! It's a girl!" I ran over to him and gave him a hug. 
"Oh man he groaned, I'm definitely going to go to jail trying to protect this little girl!" He laughed.
"She is going to be the little princess of SAMCRO" Gemma said with a wink. 
"Who's a princess?"  I heard the croaky voice and spun around again and saw Chibs open his eyes.
"Oh my god you're finally awake!" I cried and ran to his bedside. 
"How are you feeling?" Tara asked him.
"Like I have been hit by a truck!" He chuckled and that made me start crying.
"I thought I had lost you!"
"It's ok Belle, I'm tough I'm not going anywhere"
Later that afternoon the whole of SAMCRO was standing around in Chibs' room.  I stood up and cleared my throat "guys .. I have an announcement to make" everyone went quiet. 
"I found out what gender the baby was today" I wanted to tell Chibs first so I whispered into his ear and then he groaned just like Tig did and everyone looked at him very confused
"It's a girl!" I said with excitement and just like Chibs .. everyone else groaned to and Jax spoke up .."we are all going to jail" and then everyone started laughing and coming over to give me a hug.  Chibs kissed me and it made my heart melt I had missed his kisses so much.

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