Be safe

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I woke up to the sound of yelling, I looked over and Chibs wasn't next to me anymore

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I woke up to the sound of yelling, I looked over and Chibs wasn't next to me anymore. I threw on a hoodie and shorts and tiptoed down the hallway and peeked around the corner. The guys were on the ground surrounded by the police.  Well this is just perfect i thought to myself.  I walked over to Gemma who didn't even seem fazed that the cops were here.
"How do you stay so calm?" I asked Gemma quietly.
"Queen has got to stay strong" she said with a smirk. She was right, being an old lady meant I couldn't just break down and cause a scene. I stood with Gemma and watched as the cops practically destroy the place. I wasn't sure what they were looking for but I knew it couldn't be good.

Once the cops had left the guys got off the ground and dusted themselves off like it was no big deal. 
"Right, who wants a drink?" Tig yelled out.  A round of cheers rang out and the prospects started pouring the drinks.  I didn't want to ask what happened,  I wasn't supposed to know about club business but if I was going to bring our child into this I needed to know if I was in danger.  I walked over to Chibs and sat down next to him and watched as he sipped his beer trying to work out what kind of mood he was in.  He seemed to know what I was thinking as he leaned in and whispered "I'll tell you later"
I just nodded and got up and walked outside.

I was laying in the sun reading a book when the guys walked out, chibs came over and put his arm around me. 
"We have to go out lass, deal with some business shouldn't be too long"
"Be careful out there" I said as he leaned down to kiss me. 
"Little one and I will miss you!"
Chibs reached down and placed his hand on my stomach and kissed me again. 
"Can't wait to take you out on rides little man"
"How do you know it's a boy?"
"I just have a feeling" chibs smiled.
"He'll be SAMCRO in no time!" Jax spoke up. 
I smiled but I wasn't sure on that idea. 
Jax kissed my forehead and the guys walked off towards their bike.
I went back to reading and it wasn't long before I had fallen asleep outside on the table. 
I was awoken frantically by Gemma and I sat up quickly.
"How long have I been out!?"
"We need to get to the hospital!" Gemma was panicking and started running towards the car i jumped up quickly and couldn't really process what she had said I ran to the car and jumped in.
"What happened!?" I asked starting to panic myself.
"It's Jax and Chibs they have been shot"
I think the colour had drained from my face as I started to feel nauseous and Gemma looked at me with worry in her eyes.  She placed a hand over mine.
"I got some information off Tig, Chibs is in surgery and Jax is in Intensive care"
I didn't realise I had tears running down my face as I stared out the window for the entire drive to the hospital.  I felt like I was paralysed. 

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