Fight for me

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I tried to find Chibs I searched through the crowd and I couldn't see him.  I started getting frantic and as i started walking towards the door to get outside the Tacoma guy ran from the dorms and started yelling, "GET BACK HERE YOU BITCH!" The room all of a sudden went silent.  I had tears running down my face and I didn't know what to do so I just sank to the floor and brought my knees to my chest and hid my face.  I felt someone walk up to me and knelt down and stroked the back of my hair "hey" his gravely voice was comforting I lifted my head and saw a concerned Happy looking at me "what happened little one"
I wiped some stray tears away "he called me a crow eater and dragged me down the hallway a.. and I.. I punched him in the face" I saw Happy's face go stone cold and an angry fire took over his eyes and his fists clenched and then he smirked a little "well not the person I thought I was going to have to kill today" he smiled at me and I couldn't help but give a small smile back "I need Chibs" Happy nodded and helped me up and put his arm around me and took me outside.  Chibs was sitting on the picnic table talking to Jax and Opie, he looked up and the smile from his face fell when he saw me and then Happy with his arm around me
"What happened!?" He asked angrily I looked up to happy and he nodded again
"Kozik got handsy with her and tried to drag her to the dorm .. called her a crow eater"
Chibs looked to me and I looked at the ground
"Belle here also punched him in the face"
Jax laughed and Chibs stormed off past us and into the club house and we all ran after him


No one touches my girl! Who did Kozik think he was? We just got engaged was he on another planet when we came through those doors earlier! I stormed into the club house, it was already quiet "KOZIK GET OVER HERE NOW!" I saw him creeping out from the crowd and anger just took over and I flew at him I wasn't sure how many punches I threw but I felt hands drag me away from him "HOW DARE YOU! YOU BASTARD! IF YOU EVER TOUCH MY OLD LADY AGAIN I PROMISE YOU, YOU WILL NEVER STEP FOOT IN CHARMING AGAIN!" Jax pulled me outside and sat me down and Opie handed me a drink "where is Belle!?" I said panicked
"It's ok man Happy took her back to your room" I nodded and got up from the table and walked through the club house, Happy came out from the dorm "she's ok, just a little shaken"
I thanked Happy and opened the door quietly. She looked so small sitting there on the bed, she looked up at me and my heart broke, I want to protect her from this life, I wanted bad things to stop happening to her, but being here and a part of this club I couldn't guarantee that, hell I couldn't even guarantee I could keep myself out of trouble but I would die protecting her and the club that's for sure. What she doing with someone like me I'll never know but I am completely grateful for it.
I was broken from my thoughts when she looked up at me tears still running down her face "Are you ok love?" She just nodded. 
"I'm sorry I caused so much trouble I didn't mean to hit him, I didn't know what else to do"
I walked over and grabbed her hand "hey little one it's not your fault! Kozik is an idiot, don't worry about him, everyone is impressed that you hit him!" I added that last bit to try and get her to smile and it kind of worked.
"Do you just want to go home?"
"No, I want to try and enjoy our party! Kozik is gone yeah?"
"Oh he is long gone lass"


I fixed my makeup in the mirror and then grabbed Chibs' hand.  The shock from hitting an MC member was wearing off and I needed a drink asap! I thought I was going to get kicked out of the family, I know you need to respect members, but apparently the members needed to respect old ladies more, and this was something I needed to get used to. 
We walked back into the party and Happy came over and gave me a hug and then walked away. 
Gemma ran over to me and gave me a bone crushing hug, "don't worry about that asshole baby girl!" Then she handed Chibs and I a shot and the party suddenly became fun.

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