When it all went wrong

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You could of heard our screaming match from space

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You could of heard our screaming match from space.

To say I wasn't pleased about the guys getting into the porn business was an understatement.  "The kids don't need to be a part of this Chibs!"

"Love, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but you have nothing to worry about". He kissed the top of my head and walked out the front door. He had a habit of walking out in the middle of fights but he showed me nothing but love even during. I shouldn't take it out on him and I trust him, but it wasn't a business he should be getting into. I knew about the guns and the drugs and I could see that they thought that they could get away from all of that, but I knew that it would all get mixed up, you can't just leave all that behind.

I sighed and packed up all the kids toys, I needed to take my mind off it all.  There was supposed to be a party at cara cara tonight and even though the thought of going made me feel sick, Chibs said I should go with him. 

Thinking all day about whether or not I should go to the party, led to me standing in front of the mirror in our bedroom, straightening out my hair and dress for the millionth time, nerves taking over my entire body but I put a smile on my face and walked out of the bedroom and to the front door.  I placed my hand on the door handle but hesitated, coming from outside was the sound of people talking .. they were men, they were arguing.  I didn't even give it a second thought, I ran to the bedroom and pulled my phone out and tried to call Chibs, but he wasn't picking up, I dialed everyone's number, begging out loud for someone to pick up as I heard the front door trying to be opened.  Jax finally picked up after the third attempt, I didn't have time to yell at them for not answering.

"Jax someone is trying to break in" I tried to say as quiet as possible, trying to not let the panic and fear take over. 

"Shit!" Jax swore loudly and yell to the others to get on their bikes.  They must have been in church. 
"Darlin' just stay hidden and don't move ok!"

I hung up and got into the wardrobe as I heard the sound of glass breaking and footsteps echoing through the house.  I pressed my hand to my mouth and the tears fell as I tried not to make a sound.  It felt like years before I heard the familiar sounds of motorbikes and I sighed in relief.  I heard running in the house and I opened the door to the cupboard only to be faced with the masked intruder standing over me.  I screamed and tried to get past him but he grabbed me and just as I went to scream again the man was pulled backwards letting go of me as I fell back into the cupboard, it was Jax he dragged the guy outside.  I picked myself up and ran out onto the street where I saw Chibs, Happy and Tig holding down the other intruders.  I had never seen Jax so angry before as he bashed one of them into the road and he was never going to stop. 

I ran back inside shaking, blood dripping from my legs from the fall into the cupboard.  I sat on the couch and cried and thought about if the children were home.. what would have happened.. what if no one picked up the phone.  I was shaking violently as I heard sirens, someone must have called the police, a while later they guys came in.  Chibs sat down next to me and just wrapped his arm around me.  "I'm so so sorry" he whispered. "I can't do this anymore" I whispered back ..

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