They know

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Life had changed definitely, taking on the role of mum to Filip, wasn't easy

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Life had changed definitely, taking on the role of mum to Filip, wasn't easy. He asked about his mum everyday and Chibs was still in shock and wasn't around much to help. But I was doing the best I can.

I was feeding Addy, as I watched little Filip play with his toys in the lounge room, I made a mental note to buy him some more clothes as all the ones he had were either ripped or incapable of removing the stains out of them.
There was a knock at the door and I stood up and dodged all the toys as I made my way to the front door. I opened it to see Jax standing there.
"Hey Jax, what are you doing here?"
"Belle we need to talk!"
Nerves hit me and I think I knew what this was about.
"Sure, I was just feeding Addison, come in"
Jax walked in and straight over to Fil.
"Hey little man" and he gave him a high five.

He sat on the couch and rubbed his hand over his face and looked at the ground.

"Chibs doesn't know I'm here" he said and I nodded. "I just want to know what's going on Belle" again I nodded knowing what he was talking about, but then I started doubting myself, did he really know? Was I just being paranoid? So I just stared at Jax.

"Belle you can tell me anything, I won't tell Chibs unless you want me to. You have been through a lot, I just want to help"

I jumped as I heard a noise out the front and Jax jumped up and pulled out his gun, but lowered it when he opened the front door and saw Tig standing there.

"What are you doing here Tig!?" Jax said as he put his gun away.
"Well I'm guessing I had the same idea as you" he said and Jax nodded cautiously "Chibs doesn't know your here either?"
"Nope" Tig said and he walked over to me and sat down and Jax sat down in the other chair across the room.

"Now belle are you going to tell us what is going on?"

I sighed and nodded "just let me put Addison down for her nap"
I took Addy to her room and tried to take my time and avoid Tig and Jax in the other room. I had no idea what to say to them.

When I walked back out apparently Jax knew exactly what to say.
"Belle it's the middle of summer and you have worn long sleeves and jumpers for weeks and I don't want to make assumptions but we haven't seen you around much lately either"

I sighed as tears started to well up in my eyes and Tig grabbed my hand. "it's ok sweetheart you don't have to say it, we can help you though"
I nodded, i really didn't know what to say.

Jax came over to me and sat on the couch when Tig got up saying he had to leave, we had been talking for the past hour and Tig was going to see where Chibs was and said he was going to send him home, for which I was grateful.

"I wish you would have told us" Jax said as we were left alone.
"Jax I've been through so much and now I have a second child and I never thought this was going to be my life, I don't know why I did it"

I started crying and he pulled me to him and we just laid on the couch, I was so grateful for my best friends, but I really needed to tell Chibs I thought to myself.

After a moment Jax spoke up, "can I see them?" I felt like my heart had stopped, I didn't want to show him.

"I just want to know if I should get Tara over here and take a look". I thought about it, but I had a feeling I would be seeing Tara anyway.
I nervously sat up and carefully rolled up my sleeves and I heard Jax gasp, I felt so ashamed and I began to cry again.

"Hey belle it's ok, I'm just angry at what has happened to you, if I could kill that son of a bitch who hurt you again, I would"
He held me on the couch for what felt like hours and I fell asleep, I woke up and it was dark outside and Jax wasn't there I began to panic as I worried about the children but as I went to stand up I saw Chibs sitting in the chair across from me, he looked like he had been crying, I saw Jax walking down the hallway "the kids have been fed and are in bed"
I looked at him shocked "thank you" was all I could say.

I suddenly felt chibs' eyes on me as I looked down and my sleeves were still up, I quickly pulled them down and looked up at Jax " I told him everything" he gave me a small smile and I looked over at Chibs. " I'm sorry" I said and Chibs shook his head "don't say you are sorry love, I'm the one that should be sorry, I didn't realise this was happening" another tear fell down his cheek

Jax stood up "I'm going to go get Tara" he looked at me and silently asked for my permission, I nodded and he left quickly.

Chibs walked over and sat down carefully next to me "I love you so much" he said and kissed my forehead. "I love you to" I gave him a small smile and he smiled back.

"I'm going to need you to talk to me from
Now on, ok?" He said with a desperate look in his eye.

"Ok" I said simply.

Chibs carefully grabbed my arm and rolled up the sleeve and did something so unexpected he kissed the scars that were starting to form. I let the silent tears fall as I felt embarrassed for what I had done, how could I try to take myself away from the man I love.

"I hope you don't mind he said, but I asked Gemma if she could do her Sunday night dinner, I think we all need to start hanging out as one big family again"

I smiled for the first time in what felt like ages and Chibs smiled to "I would love that!" I said and curled up into chibs on the couch.

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