It's all over

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I felt like I had been hit by a truck, I woke up in a bed that wasn't familiar, it wasn't until I heard all the beeping and looked down to see wires and machines that I knew I was in hospital.  I looked around the room a bit more, there were bunches of flowers and cards and stuffed animals, which I knew had to be from Happy, he may be a killer but boy did he have a soft side. The smile faded from my face when I realised I was in the hospital and that I was all alone. I started to panic, was it Tyler that dropped me off!? Was he coming back, I started to tear away the tubes that wires that were attached to me, I had to get out of here. I managed to get to the doorway of my room when I saw him... My Chibs! I couldn't control myself, I dropped to my knees and couldn't stop crying. Chibs had run over to me.
"Hey, love it's ok, you're ok, he isn't going to hurt you anymore." I stared up at him.
"He's not? How do you know, I can never get away from him." I sobbed uncontrollably.
"I'm so sorry that this happened to you, but he is never going to hurt you again."
"How do you know!?"
"Because I killed him" Chibs said quietly into my ear. I froze, I think I had gone into shock. He's dead? He's really gone? Again, I had started to cry. Chibs gathered me into his arms and carried me back into my room and placed me gently on the bed. He covered me with the blanket and stroked my hair.
"It's ok love, why don't you get some sleep and we can talk through it later."
I nodded sleepily, tears still rolling down my cheeks. I was exhausted it felt like I hadn't slept in days and the shock was wearing off. Before I knew it I was asleep and it was the most peaceful sleep I had had in a long time.
I woke up and rubbed my eyes and looked around the room. There were a lot of people and thankfully I recognised every single one of them. The sons had taken over the hospital, and I couldn't help but feel for once in my life safe and part of a family.
"How you feelin' darlin'" Jax had come over to me and grabbed my hand.
"I'm ok .. I think"
"I'm so sorry darlin', I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner."
"It's ok, it's not your fault Jax."
I looked down at my hands they were bruised and cut and then I had a sudden urge to feel my face, it was lumpy and I felt cuts and it hurt. I started crying again as I realised what else hurt and I looked up and I was staring straight into Chibs' eyes. I could see the anger fill his eyes, he knew what I was realising. Jax dropped my hand as Chibs walked over to me. Jax ushered everyone else out of the room.
Chibs softly brushed the hair out of my face.
"It's ok love, remember he can't hurt you anymore."
"He did it, didn't he ..." I kept my head down, he knew what I was asking.
" I would kill him again if I could."
"It's ok" I said quietly.
Chibs just looked at me.
"You're a strong one lass."
I gave him a weak smile.
"There is something else I have to tell you, while you were sleeping the nurse came in and said that they wanted to do a pregnancy test in a few weeks, I told them I would tell you."
I stared at him in shock, I guess I should have expected it. The tears began to fall again. Chibs wrapped his arm around me and just held me until I had cried myself to sleep.

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