Riding out of Charming

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Authors note:
I want to thank you all so much for liking my story! I am so sorry it's a little slow! But I never want this to end! Haha. Love writing for everyone. Xx

I started to fit into the SAMCRO family rather easily.  I would run errands for the guys and I had finally met Gemma, Jax's mum and mother figure to many of the guys.  She wasn't at all nice to me to begin with, I had to earn my place so I just kept my head down and worked.  I loved it here.  I had learned not to ask questions.  They would never tell me much anyways.  I always had someone following me when out, mostly Tig, I think he feels that he needs to make it up to me for calling me a croweater.  I didn't mind though,  I felt safe.  Chibs always made me feel at home and my feelings for him were beginning to take over.  As much as I tried to deny it, I couldn't help but fall for him.  But I swore to myself that I would never let him know. 
I sat outside at the picnic table in the shade eating my lunch.  Chibs came and sat down next to me and put his hand on my knee. 
"What's up?" I said as I looked at him,  I could see worry in his eyes. 
"The guys and I will be leaving today, not sure how long we will be gone for, have to sort some things out with our Irish friends." 
"I won't wait up then."  I tried to smile but I couldn't help but feel completely useless.  I wish I knew what was going on.  If anything happened to him.  Chibs gave my hand a squeeze and got up and left. 
As they got ready to leave I watched from the doorway of the bar,  I had a bad feeling about this trip, they often came back with bruises and cuts.  But I couldn't help but feel this time it was going to be worse.   I saw Chibs about to hop onto his motorcycle and all of a sudden my heart took over from my brain.
"Chibs! Wait!" I ran over to him and in that moment everything went quiet I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine, it was the most passionate kiss I've ever experienced as our tongues danced and his arms found my waist.
We finally let go of each other and it was then that I heard the whistles and cheers from the guys I looked up at Chibs blushing. 
"Well I should go away more often" he whispered.  He was smiling, he hugged me and kissed the top of my head. 
"It'll be ok little one.  I'll see you tonight."
Tig came up to me and hugged me as well.
"Thank you" he said.
"For what?"
"Making him happy" he said and he turned away and walked off.
I waved to them as they rode out.  I couldn't help but feel nervous.  I went back inside and sat at the bar.  Chucky handed me a drink and I drank with him in silence.

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