Not so Charming

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I don't quite remember falling asleep again, but as I awoke I found myself in Chibs' arms. My cheeks flushed red, how did this happen, in the arms of a complete stranger! I was embarrassed. I tried to get up without disturbing him but I failed, his eyes opened and he smiled.
"Good morning little one, did you sleep ok."
I blushed even more.
"I'm so sorry about last night" I blurted out.
" it was just a bad dream, I'm not sure what came over me, did I ask you to stay!?"
He chuckled and placed his hand on my cheek.
"No you didn't ask me to stay, you fell asleep in my arms I didn't want to disturb you.. I hope it's ok?"
"It's fine" I mumbled, still a little embarrassed.
"You want to tell me what the dream was about?"
I shook my head. I didn't want to relive it.
"It's ok" he said, "when you're ready."
Then he did yet another unexpected thing, he hugged me.
"Is it ok if I took a shower?" I said, my face hard up against his bare chest. I really hope he couldn't feel my cheeks burning into his skin.
"Aye lass, go have a nice warm shower, it'll make you feel better."
I hopped up a little too quickly and felt this wave of dizziness come over me and I fell on the floor. Chibs was suddenly at my side helping me up. He looked down at me and gently brushed a strand of hair out of my face.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, just a little dehydrated and hungry I guess"
"Well how about we get you something to eat then, the shower can wait"
I went to protest, but he put his hands up.
"You look fine! Get dressed and I'll feed you!"
He winked and started to walk out of the room.
"Thank you!"
I called out after him. He just smiled and shut the door.
I sat on the bed for a moment wondering what on earth was happening. I haven't had any time to process anything. But all I knew was, that I was safe.
I walked out to the bar, it looked different in the daylight, more inviting to say the least. I suddenly became aware that I was not alone and I couldn't see Chibs. I started to panic a little as one of the guys with dark curly hair walked over to me.
"Hey, darlin! Have a good time last night?"
I took a step back, what does he mean... What did Chibs tell him!? My mind was racing, I didn't know what to say.
"Don't kiss and tell huh! Well how about you be a good little croweater and show yourself to the door"
My heart was beating so fast, where was Chibs!? What is a croweater!? I felt tears start to roll down my cheeks.
I heard the roar from across the room I recognised the accent I looked up and Chibs was striding across the room.
"What did you say to her!?"
Tig looked shocked.
"Nothing, I was just telling the croweater that she can show herself to the door"
Chibs looked horrified.
"She isn't some croweater Tig!"
Tig looked mortified.
"I'm sorry brother"
"It's not me you should be apologising to!"
Tig looked at me, I'm glad the tears had stopped.
"I'm really really sorry"
Tig put his head down and I almost felt sorry for him.
"'s ok" I stammered and I looked at Chibs he looked worried.
Tig stuck out his hand
"The name's Tig"
I took his hand and shook it lightly
"Bella" I said shyly.
"Well now that you have met Tig, I guess it's time to introduce you to the rest of SAMCRO."

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