Badass biker chick

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Chibs and I drove to Gemma's, we had Addy and little Filip with the babysitter. 

"I'm looking forward to tonight" I say as Chibs smiled at me.  Chibs hadn't left my side in two weeks, I had definitely scared him and I felt terrible.  But he was so caring and patient with me.  I was beginning to feel a lot better and I was learning to talk to people about how I felt instead of keeping to myself. Being an old lady could sometimes be an incredibly lonely job.  I was always worried Chibs was never going to come home and the extra pressure of another child certainly pushed me a little over the edge.  But I loved those kids with all my heart and Chibs was an incredible father. 

"What are you thinking about lass?" We pulled into Gemma and clays driveway and Chibs placed his hand on my shoulder, I hadn't realised I was just staring out the window. 

"Nothing" I sort of lied.  I didn't want to worry him anymore.  He knew how I felt about him leaving on runs.  "Lets go have some family time" I smiled and he got out of the car and ran round to my side and opened the door.  I giggled and took his hand, he was always such a gentleman.

He held my hand and we walked through the front door together. I was greeted by everyone who smiled and clapped and each one gave me a hug. I wasn't mad at Chibs for telling everyone, they needed to know, they were family and they were wondering why he was spending so much time away from the club.
The last to greet me was Gemma, she held out her arms and I saw tears sparkling in her eyes. "My sweetheart" she whispered in my ear as she gave me a tight hug "we love you baby girl"
"Thanks Ma" I smiled as I stepped back. "Now this girl needs a drink" I said out loud as I pointed to myself and everyone laughed.

We were all sitting around the table and swapping stories and laughing and drinking a lot. Chibs sat next to me protectively and his hand never left my knee, until in my tipsy state decided to stand up. I got up and Chibs gave me a look as I pointed at Happy "hey hap! I need a tattoo" and now everyone was looking at me like I had gone crazy. "I never got Chibs' crow and we have been married a while ..." I trailed off and I looked down at Chibs suddenly nervous, what if he didn't want me to get his crow? But I was going to get a tattoo anyway I wanted a fresh start and a new look, I wanted to be that tough badass old lay and another thought popped into my head "I also want to learn to ride a motorcycle" Jax spat out the drink he took a sip of and Chibs started laughing "Belle" he said standing up "I would love for you to have my crow" I smiled as I turned to happy and he smiled as well, which is something we never really saw Happy do, which of course this made me smile even more. "I'll do it" he said. Chibs wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek "as for the bike" he said looking to Jax who had his protective big brother glare on his face warning Chibs that this wasn't a good idea. Chibs simply smirked at him "we will teach you how to ride, I still have to teach you to shoot anyway" and he glared at Tig who just grinned.

We all stayed at Gemma's for hours and I was feeling on top of the world. "Are you sure you are ok love" Chibs said for the 100th time as he was helping me to the car, "I'm fine, I shouldn't have drank so much" I said. I am still learning my limits on what I can handle and that much alcohol was probably not a good idea. One minute I was feeling great the next I had worried looks from the whole table as I started to zone out. Thankfully Chibs decided it was time to go home. "Let's get you home to bed" he said as he lifted me into the car.
"I love you Chibs" I said sleepily as he closed the door.
"I love you to my princess"

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