Prince Charming

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I peered out of the car and across the road.  All
I saw was an old garage, and a sign that had caught my eye, it had on it what looked like a reaper.  I blinked and thought my eyes were playing tricks, i shook my head, I must be really tired.  I thought about this strange mans offer, it was freezing in this car and I just knew he wasn't going to leave me alone.
"Ok" I said cautiously. "But first sign of any funny business and I call the cops."
It was a terrible threat and I didn't even sound tough due to my voice being too shaky. I cursed myself for being so timid. He smiled, maybe too much for my liking.
"Well if you would like to follow me ma'am, we can get you out of the snow and into a warm bed."
I gathered up my things and opened the car door slowly. As I stepped onto the pavement I finally got to look up at the man who was saving me.
"I don't mean to be rude, but what's your name?"
"The name's Chibs" he said happily.
"And may I ask yours?"
"Isabella... Everyone calls me Belle or Bella though"
He smiled an incredibly sweet smile at me and my heart began to race. I found myself staring at him and I noticed he was wearing a leather vest that was extremely well worn and well worn boots and jeans. My eyes made their way back up to his face. He was still smiling and waiting for me to finish my appraisal of him. I was thankful that it was dark as my cheeks turned red.
"Like what you see lass?"
He laughed
"Come on" he said "lets go"
I followed Chibs across the road and through the gates to the garage. I read the sign Teller-Morrow automotive. Chibs lead me past the shop and into ...
"A bar!?" I said a little too loudly.
"I knew you were up to no good!"
I started to panic! Why would he bring me to a bar!? There is no where to sleep here.
"Hey relax little one! This is the clubhouse, we have dorm rooms back there and over there is the kitchen and over in that room is where we have our meetings."
I scanned the room, it was rather warm and inviting even though it smelt strongly of alcohol and cigarette smoke.
"Just think of this as the lounge room" he winked.
I relaxed a little bit and he seemed to sense it because he grabbed my hand, my heart fluttered a little and I got annoyed with myself, why would I be reacting like this!?  He began to lead me down a hallway and he suddenly stopped at a door.  Chibs opened the door slowly and walked inside dragging me with him.  It was dark, in the room I could see the large bed and the bedside table with what looked like last nights half drunk Jameson and old half smoked cigarettes.  I looked up as I felt eyes looking at me. 
"What do you think?" He said, "you think it'll do for tonight?"
I nodded my head.
"It'll be perfect, thank you!"
I smiled, he has been so generous.  I shouldn't be so skeptical. 
"There is a bathroom just through that other door over there."
"Thanks" I said trying to stifle a yawn.
"Sorry for keeping you up lass, I'll let you get some rest, I will be just in the room next door if you need anything."
I smiled again.  "Thank you so much! For everything, I'll see you in the morning i guess."
"Aye, sure will, goodnight little one."
With that said, he turned and walked out closing the door quietly behind him.  I placed my things on the floor and climbed into the bed.  It felt odd being in some strangers room, but it also felt like home.  As my head hit the pillow I was asleep instantly, but not peacefully.  The nightmare took hold and I was back there again, back at Tyler's.  My abusive ex.  I must have been screaming and thrashing around as I was pulled out of the nightmare by warm familiar yet strange hands.  I barely heard the words he was saying to me but I could feel myself relaxing.
"Hey, hey it's ok lass, you're safe, it's me Chibs"
I opened my eyes a little and saw those warm brown eyes staring into mine, they looked different though, he was worried.  I looked around the room remembering where I was.
"I'm so sorry I started to cry, it.. It was just a nightmare! I didn't mean to wake you."
I looked up at him with tears streaming down my face.
"It's ok lass, you were screaming down the whole place I couldn't not come to your rescue."
He brushed the tears from my cheeks with his calloused fingers and I relaxed fully.  He then did the unexpected, he took me into his arms and just held me.  I went to protest and he felt it so he tightened his grip a little.
"It's ok little one.  I am not going to hurt you."
I couldn't help but feel helpless and lost and defeated.  I am in some strangers house and still attached to my old life.  Chibs doesn't know me or where I came from, yet he is here saving me.

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