Knight in shining Charming

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It felt like I had been walking for hours. It was cold but I didn't feel it, I was numb. The tears kept streaming down my face. What had I gotten myself into!? We could have all been killed. If I wanted to die I would have stayed with my ex! And to have not been told about anything, not knowing this whole time that my safety was at risk! But he did this to protect me right? Keeping me in the dark. Why would he want someone like me?? Why would he protect a stranger?? My mind was racing with these thoughts. I hadn't realised I had stopped. I looked around me I had no idea where I was. I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest and willed the night to take me away. I had no idea what time it was and I had no idea how long I had been asleep for, but I heard the faint sound of motorcycles, growing louder as they came towards me. I got up ready to run but Chibs must have seen me as he had come speeding towards me, he stopped and jumped off the bike. He walked slowly towards me, he looked sad. Tig and Jax pulled up next to him.
"What are you doing here?" I was crying again. Great! I thought, crying again he is going to think I'm a sook.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything" he said as he looked at the ground.
"I'm sorry I ran away, it just reminded me of why I ran away to Charming in the first place."
Chibs turned to Jax and Tig
"It's ok brothers, I think I got this now"
Jax and Tig nodded and rode off.
"I have one question for you lass."
I looked up through the never ending waterfall of tears. 
"Ever since the night I first saw you, I have found myself completely falling for you, and I'm not sure why, but I just know this is right.. So my question is ... Will you be my old lady?"
He looked nervous he was fidgeting and just staring at me.
I thought about it for what felt like ages and I let out a long sigh.
"I have never felt like this either Chibs.  But I need to know that you will tell me everything, I want to trust you! So my answer is .. Yes!"
In a split second he had closed the gap between us and he grabbed my face and kissed me.  It was the most life changing kiss, I felt how much he cared, how much he wanted to make everything right and I felt him putting back together my heart.
"Your chariot awaits my love" as he gestured to his motorcycle.  He handed me the helmet and I climbed onto the back behind him.  He took off back towards TM.  We rode through the gates and were met by police and firetrucks.  The flames were gone and the clubhouse just in a cloud of black smoke.  I couldn't help but feel awful for causing this much trouble when they clearly had more important things to deal with.   We walked over to the rest of them hand in hand, the guys saw this and then they did the unexpected... They all cheered! I couldn't help but smile and I looked up at Chibs he had the biggest smile I have ever seen him have.  They all hugged us, Tig kissed my cheek and gave me a wink and my smile grew wider.  I really did make Chibs happy.  Jax spoke up after the excitement had died down "ok brothers we need a plan, I have an idea for a new club house but for now let's use Gemma's house" everyone nodded.  "I'll deal with the cops, and the Irish don't know we survived so let's meet in the morning and we will surprise them in the morning."
He turned to me and gave me a look that said well you wanted to know more so here it is look.  It was then I knew that this is just the beginning of a messy story.
"Let's get you to bed." Chibs came up behind me and whispered in my ear. 

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