My charming past

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Chibs moved me around the room and introduced me to everyone, they all had what I could assume were nicknames, there was Juice, Tig of course, Ratboy, Bobby and Happy.
"And this, is our president Jax, Jax this is Bella."
Jax must have seen the look on my face, it was a look of confusion. What is he president of?
"It's nice to meet you darlin' " Jax said with a laugh and a gorgeous smile. I blushed.
"What exactly is SAMCRO?" I had turned to Chibs. Jax gave Chibs a look and walked away. I was left even more confused, I had a feeling I should be worried. Chibs lead me to the bar and handed me a beer.
"Sit" he said.
I sat down and held my beer but didn't drink any, I wasn't quite sure of the time but I knew it was way too early for that.
"SAMCRO, is a motorcycle club, Jax, as I said before is the president and I am the Vice President."
I nodded, I got the feeling there was more to it than that. But for now this is all I needed. I was hanging out with a motorcycle club. My how my life has changed.
"You just going to nurse that beer sweetheart"
Tig had come up behind me and put his arm around me. I saw Chibs tense up, his fists curled into a ball.
"I'm not much of a morning drinker" I said trying to sound casual.
"Oh come on! You're on holiday!"
I laughed, this was far from my idea of a holiday.
"So what made you come to Charming?" Chibs said.
I looked at the beer in my hand and then raised
It to my lips and took a drink. I looked back at Chibs he raised his eyebrows.
"I came here to get away from someone.. My ex."
I took another swig of the beer. I felt Tig's and Chibs' eyes on me.
"He used to beat me up"
I felt the tension as a i took another drink. Both Tig and Chibs looked horrified. This time Tig put his arm around me and this time it was comforting.
"Come on" Chibs said "let's go for a walk"
He took my hand and lead me outside. It was bright outside, the warm heat of the sun touching my skin. You wouldn't have thought it had snowed last night. I could see everything properly now, the guys working away on broken down cars in the garage, and the reaper, it wasn't just my imagination, it must be for the MC. Chibs drew me out of my daydreams, "Bella, I want you to stay here for as long as you need to, I spoke to Jax this morning and he is fine with it."
I couldn't help but smile. Everything was working out so well and Chibs was being so nice, this amount of kindness from a stranger was overwhelming. The smile turned to tears of happiness.
"Thank you so much, I don't know why you are doing this for me ... But thank you."
Chibs smiled and brought his hand to my
face and wiped away a tear.
"When I first saw you, I felt like I needed to protect you Bella."

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