You can always count of your Best friend

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Time seemed to slow down as we raced through the hospital and I could barely see through the tears

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Time seemed to slow down as we raced through the hospital and I could barely see through the tears.  Gemma and I got to the waiting room and I was caught by Tig who wrapped his arms around me, I didn't think it was possible to cry anymore but my heart was breaking into a million pieces and it hurt.
Tig stroked my hair and was trying his hardest to get me to calm down.
"Shhh baby girl, you need to stop stressing it's not good for the little one"
I hugged Tig tighter and between sobs I tried to get out the words to ask how chibs and Jax was.
"Where are they? Are they ok?" I sobbed.
I looked around to find Gemma and she was talking to Tara. Tara looked like she had been crying as well and Gemma for the sake of the moment was comforting her, as much as Gemma didn't like Tara.

"Tara said that Jax is in surgery now and Chibs is back in his room, but he hasn't woken up yet.  Chibs was shot through the stomach, they managed to remove the bullet and it didn't hit anything vital, but it was the hit to the head that has caused him to not wake up."
Tig was looking at me with worry in his eyes as he let the information sink in.  Chibs was ok.  They... I ... just needed him to wake up.
"And Jax?" I said quietly, looking over at Gemma and Tara. who had also managed to pull themselves together.
"The bullet hit him in the chest, it's still in there and they need to find it" Tara had spoken up "he should almost be finished with  surgery now, we just need to wait"  you could tell she felt helpless.  I gave both Tara and Gemma a hug and then sat down next to Tig.

It felt like days before the Doctor came out of the operating theatre and told us about Jax.  Jax will be ok he said, he needs to rest.   I felt relieved, the bad thoughts started to leave my mind.  Coming this close to losing them was terrifying, but I need to be strong for Chibs now.

We were finally allowed to see them both I quickly entered Chibs' room and when I saw him lying there unconscious I started crying again. I sat down next to his bed and started talking to him softly
"You need to wake up my love, the little one is missing their daddy, you need to come back to us". I must have fallen asleep next to chibs' bed as I jolted awake when someone placed their hand on my shoulder
"Let's get you home princess" Tig said quietly as I looked at Chibs still asleep. I got up and left with Tig and he drove me home we stayed silent the whole trip and as we pulled up to the house I looked over at Tig, he looked exhausted.
" will you tell me what happened?" I asked quietly
Tig just shook his head "I wish I could baby girl"
"it's ok Tig I probably don't want to hear it anyway" I climbed out of the car and was surprised when Tig did the same.
"What are you doing?" I asked. "You can't be alone tonight princess, not with them still out there and I thought you might like the company anyway"
"thanks tiggy"

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