Changed your mind

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The kids seemed to have settled in well at the garage. Which I wasn't sure if that made me happy or not.  They deserve to know their father but seeing how comfortable they were here was not sitting well with me.

I was sitting outside of the clubhouse in the sun on one of the picnic tables contemplating on what life would be like if we stayed. But I could never forget why I left. Jax came over to me and I looked at him and he gave me that gorgeous smile of his which always made me smile. He always knew what I was thinking. "Things are different now bells" I nodded to confirm that that's what I had been thinking.
"I know Jax, but for how long is it going to stay that way".
Jax lowered his head knowing he could never answer that question. 
I sighed and reached out for his hand and held it tightly knowing what I was going to say next would change my life forever. 
"I'm going to ...."
Just as I was about to tell Jax we heard screaming Jax was the first up and was already running towards the clubhouse door .. my heart sank it was Addison, I thought I was going to be sick I ran after Jax and as soon as we looked in we saw Chibs and Addison rolling around on the ground playing ... "Addison hates being tickled" I sighed and turned to look at Jax "stay.. I'm going to stay" I smiled as I turned back to Chibs and Addy and Jax put his arm around me.  "Thanks Bell" he said.  I'm not sure why I had changed my mind in that minute but the one thing I knew .. is that they  will protect the kids with their lives. 

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