A little Charming

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Seeing Chibs in the hospital yet again, made me wonder about our future in this club even more

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Seeing Chibs in the hospital yet again, made me wonder about our future in this club even more.  But I was completely crazy in thinking he would ever leave.  I got myself into this and now for better or for apparently much worse I am in this for good. 
Chibs started to stir as I snapped out of my thoughts. 
"Hey.. don't try and get up, you are in the hospital"
"What happened??" He said, his voice all raspy.
"Some croweater drugged you"
He sighed. "I would never cheat on you love, you know that right"
"I know" I said as the tears started to fall again.
"Let me just go and get Tara and tell the guys you are awake"
I got up and left the room.  Jax and Tig stood up as I walked into the waiting room.
"He's awake" I said as I motioned them to follow me.
"Hey brother" Jax said as he walked into the room "want to tell me what that was all about?"
"Aye, I think I know"
I held my breath as I wasn't prepared for what was going to come out of his mouth next.
"About 4 years ago now, she tried to tell me she was pregnant with my kid, I didn't believe her, she is just a croweater and then she just disappeared and I didn't recognise her at the party until she told me who she was, I tried to get her to go away ... well you know what happened next"
"Well Hap, has gone to deal with her" Tig said.
"Did Happy really need to beat the shit out of me?" Chibs said
"At the time yes!" Jax said almost laughing. 
"I just want to go home" I said as I was trying to process all this information.
Tara let us all go and said she would meet us at the clubhouse later.
The ride home was quiet, I couldn't bring myself to ask any questions about what happened and Chibs wasn't feeling all that great, so I was just left to my own dark thoughts about it all.
When we arrived at the clubhouse I helped Chibs out of the car and we walked into the bar and what happened next I was not prepared for at all!
Happy was supposed to have taken care of the croweater but instead he was there standing with a child.  The resemblance was incredible ... no DNA test was needed, this little boy looked just like Chibs.
I turned around to Chibs but all I saw was him walking out.

I couldn't believe what was happening. Belle was never going to forgive me for this.  My life was so good up until now.  This little boy just thrown on my doorstep, I knew I was going to have to take care of him, but what was Belle going to think. 
"Chibs man, what is going on"
I turned around and saw Jax.
"I fucked up brother, belle isn't going to want to deal with this"
Jax shook his head "you have to give her more credit bro, she will accept this kid like it's her own, she loves you"
"we need to do this right though, I don't want that croweater coming back and fucking things up again!"
"Come on let's go and meet your boy" Jax said and threw his arm over my shoulders. 

Jax and I stopped dead in our tracks as we walked back into the clubhouse and the bitch had a gun pointed at belle and happy and Tig had their guns pointed at the whore. 

Hey everyone! Sorry for the short chapters! I guess it is better than none! I'm hoping to update a lot more! And I hope you are enjoying this story! Xxx

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