Your Old Lady

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It was half past 8 in the morning a couple of days after I had come home from hospital, Chibs had had me on bed rest for the whole time and I had various members of SAMCRO visit me. I had grown a lot closer to Happy and Tig and Jax was the over protective brother I had never had.  I was determined to get back to how everything used to be.  I was taking control of my life. 
I showered and got dressed into some tight black skinny jeans and just a white singlet top, and I actually went one step further and applied a small amount of makeup, I'm not sure if it was because I was going shopping with Gemma today or I was finally in the mood to make an effort... most likely both.  I felt like I had to impress Gemma, I wanted to be part of this club and I wanted her to know I was serious. 
I walked out into the living room to the usual sight, Chibs and Tig and Happy sitting at the dining table, they all looked up and smiled at me as I walked over and kissed each one on the cheek.  I sat down next to Chibs and he gave me another kiss but this time it was a passionate heart stopping kiss that made me weak at the knees, he always knew how to take my breath away. 
"How you feeling this morning baby" Tig asked me. 
"I'm actually really good today Tiggy, I'm actually looking forward to getting out of this house!"
And as if right on cue there was a knock at the door. Gemma let herself in and made her way over to the table. 
"Morning sweetheart, how are you feeling?"
I was never sure if she was being sincere, I've heard she was the queen and that she didn't like most of the other girls.
"I'm feeling ok thanks Gemma"
"Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah let me just grab my bag"
I walked off down to the bedroom and picked up my bag and look at myself again in the mirror, I didn't look that great but I was hoping that this shopping trip would change that.
We arrived at the shops in town and I followed Gemma around the stores, she had a great sense of style and she picked out a lot of things for me to try on. It was not my usual style at all but she said if I wanted to fit in then I was going to have to dress the part. I was really hoping Chibs would like it. Then Gemma picked out a beautiful dress and said I needed it for a special Occassion, she wouldn't tell me what but it made me very nervous, where could we possibly go that would require me to wear it.
Once we got home Chibs was waiting for me and oh my goodness! Did he look handsome! He was wearing a black shirt and dark jeans and he still smelled of leather, cologne and cigarettes and he had also taken off his kutte.  He walked up to me and gave me a kiss
"Did you have fun love"
"Yeah, Gemma was really helpful! She has great style"
Gemma just smiled at me
"So I guess you better get ready then!" Gemma said with an even bigger smile! And then she took my hand and led me to the bathroom. 
It was about an hour and a half later and I had finally emerged from the bathroom.
Chibs had turned around and stopped dead in his tracks and just stared at me
"What is it?" I asked nervously
"You look amazing my love!"
I blushed and put my head down and walked over to him.  He grabbed my hand
"So .. are you ready to go?"

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