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By the time we got to the clubhouse I was nervous, I hadn't seen the place since it had been blown up but they had rebuilt it the best they could and I had to admit it looked just like the old one. 
Chibs opened the door for me and I stepped out of the car and we made our way over to the clubhouse. 
"Now close your eyes love"
"Why" I pouted
Chibs laughed, I loved seeing him smile.  I closed my eyes and waited...
"Ok love, open your eyes"
I opened them and looked around and then I noticed him, in front of me on the ground on one knee!! My hands flew to my mouth and I let out a squeal!! Which was incredibly girly of me but I was so excited!
"Bella, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"
"Yes! A thousand times yes!!"
I flew into his arms and he held onto me so tightly and then he stepped away from me and grabbed my hand and slipped the most beautiful ring onto my finger!
"Well shall we have a drink mrs Telford?"
I giggled and nodded my head still staring at my ring, all of a sudden Chibs had picked me up bridal style and he opened the door to the clubhouse. 
When he carried me through the door the room erupted with cheers and clapping, I looked around and every club member was there and I saw Gemma, she just winked at me, I now knew why I needed the dress.   Chibs put me down and then Tig picked me up and gave me a hug that I thought was going to crush my ribs!
"I love you baby girl, you deserve this happiness"
"Aw thank you Tiggy!"
I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then Jax stole me away.
"Bella, I love you like a little sister, now if you ever need anything the club is here for you this is your family now."
"Thanks, Jax I love this club and I want to help in any way I can, I'd do anything for you guys"
I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he gave me one last hug before Happy came over
"Belles, if he hurts you I'll kill him myself"
I giggled, of course happy would do that!
"Thank you happy"
I hugged him and then I turned to Gemma
"You knew all about this didn't you?"
"Sure did baby girl! I thought getting you here would be a lot more difficult, now come on let's go have a shot!"
I sat on the bar stool looking out at my new family and smiled, how did I get so lucky??
I'm sure I would warm up to the others soon enough, I was going to be hanging around her a lot more, I might see if Gemma needed any help here I'm going to need a job anyway.  A few of the nomads had shown up and some of the Tacoma charter I recognised one of them that the guys talked about a lot, he looked friendly enough, but boy was I wrong I didn't see my night going downhill quite so quickly as it did .....

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