How You Meet

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Scott: You were new to the town of Beacon Hills, so your mom sent you out to figure out the place. You pulled up Google Maps on your phone and found a nice little ice cream place that you figured might be a place where local kids hung out. You walked in and walked to the counter to order.

"I'll take a single scoop of double strawberry ice cream with chocolate syrup in a dish please." You said to the cashier.

"Alright, that'll be $3.25 please." You handed her a $5 and told her to keep the change. You waited for your ice cream at the other end of the counter. Once the person handed it to you, you made your way to an empty single chair table at the back of the store. On the way there, someone bumped into you, making you fall to the ground and get your ice cream everywhere, even in your hair. A hand reached down to help you up. You gratefully accepted the hand and tried to brush yourself off the best you could.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I'm so sorry. Let me get you another dish."

"Oh no, it's fine. I honestly wasn't even hungry, I came in to see parts of the town and I figured I would look weird if I didn't have a cup with me." You said, blushing deep pink.

"Oh, you must be new here then. I'm Scott McCall. What's your name?"

"Y/N, nice to meet you Scott. Yeah, I'm new here, I actually just moved in yesterday." You said, grabbing a napkin and wiping your hair down.

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you too Y/N, I have to run, but hopefully I'll see you around some time." He said, turning around to walk out.

"Yeah, hopefully." You said, walking out of the store to get back home.

Stiles: You were at the movie store, picking up Batman Begins for you and your family to watch at your new apartment in Beacon Hills. You had just moved in and it was close to the end of summer. The high school here starts about 2 weeks ahead of your old one. You would be starting your junior year, the only reason you weren't still in Y/H/T was because your parents got new jobs as teachers at this high school. Your dad was going to be the new Chemistry teacher and your mom was going to be offering an advanced biology class. You walked through the aisles of the store until you finally found what you were looking for. You reached out your hand and grabbed the copy at the exact same time another hand did. You let go and went to grab another copy when you realized there wasn't another copy.

"Oh, here you can have it. I've seen it like a million times already." Said a voice that sounded very handsome.

"Oh it's okay. So have I. My parents just sent me to get a movie to celebrate moving into our new apartment. It was an instinct. You take it." You said, pushing the movie towards the person. You finally looked up to make eye contact and realized it was in fact a very cute boy. He had brown/ copper hair with amber eyes and a ton of moles.

"Oh, so your new to town then? My dad's the sheriff, resulting in me knowing just about everyone. I'm Stiles, Stiles Stilinski. What's your name?" He asked, taking your hand to shake it.

"Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you Stiles." You say, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too Y/N. Are you going to be at BHHS for school?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm going into my junior year." You answered.

"Wicked, so am I. I'll see you around then Y/N." He said, taking Batman Begins with him. On his way out, he turned to wave goodbye and ended up tripping over a cardboard cut out of Johnny Depp. He stood up frantically and waved again. You waved back. You picked up The Dark Knight Rises, paid, and walked out, waiting to see Stiles again.

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