Imagine for kendrasnowflake

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I hopped into my car, and drove to my place of work, the Beacon Hills Animal Shelter. Today was supposed to be my day off, but we got a badly injured little kitten, that needed a home, I figured maybe if I cleaned it up a bit, and figured out what was going on with it, maybe I could get it a nice home. I got in, washed my hands, threw on my lab coat, and went to the back to check out the poor little thing. She was covered in mud, and it looked like she hadn't eaten in two weeks. She was so tiny. Her fur was matted down with water, and mud. It seemed that her fur was so heavy, that she could hardly move. Seeing a living thing treated like this made me want to burst into tears, and I partially did. I teared up, but wiped them away, because I couldn't help the poor thing if I was a mess. I automatically went to the baby basin and filled it with some nice warm water. I picked her up extremely gently, and set her down in the water. She relaxed immediately. The poor thing must have been freezing. It had been raining and sleeting all night last night, and she was so tiny. I picked up the little spray nozzle, and started to run it over her back. I could see all the mud and even chunks of sleet start to fall off of her. I told my assistant, Mylie, to grab a couple big fluffy towels, a hair dryer, and to heat up a bowl of warm milk, along with some wet cat food. I didn't know how much this kitty could eat yet, and I didn't want to hurt her stomach with harsh dry cat food. 

"Don't worry sweetie. We'll get you all fixed up really soon. I got some shampoo that smelled like sweet hibiscus and cherries. She looked like a little ball of soap suds. I rinsed her off again, and I could see her beautiful baby blue eyes. Mylie came back and handed me the things I asked for. I picked up the little baby, and set her down on the towel. I picked up the other towel, and started to hand dry her. Once most of the water was out of her fur, I picked up the blow dryer, and turned it on warm and started to blow dry the fur of the little kitten. I set her bowl of warm milk and wet food on the other end of the table. She walked over to it, no problem. At least I knew she wasn't hurt. Just malnourished, which with her being this young, we could fix within a week or two. Now we just had to worry about finding her a home. Suddenly an idea popped into my head, Derek would not be happy, but this poor little kitty wouldn't get all the way better if we just left her in a cage here. It was decided. She was going to come live with Derek and I, and Derek will learn to love her and they will be best friends dammit. I went to check on the baby, who I will have to name eventually, and she had eaten all of her food and had lapped up all of her milk. I went over to feel her belly and it was full. I took her to the litter box, which she used happily, and then I put up a little fence and let her run around in it. I also set down a blanket so she could sleep and get all warm if she wanted. I went to talk to Mylie and buy all the stuff that I needed to take care of my new kitty. I got her a brand new collar for when she got big enough, I got a light pink ribbon to tie as a bow around her neck, I got her some toys, a food bowl, a water bowl, a bed, some blankets, kitten food, a litter box, and a pet carrier. I went back into the room to see her asleep on the little blanket. Now would be the best time to get her shots all done. I quickly picked up the blanket and gently set it down on the table. I got the three shots ready to go, and did them easily with her sleeping. She didn't even fidget. This was a tough little kitten. I decided I was going to name her Gidget. She was cute, funny, and sweet. Gidget just seemed to fit. She woke up and mewled softly, she walked over to me and started to rub against my arm. I petted her, and picked her up.She crawled up my arm and onto my shoulder. She had already had her claws trimmed, but I could take them down further without having to get her declawed. I figured out this method a few years ago. Besides, she might need those claws, she was going to live in a house where werewolves were commonly found. I figured since she was okay now, we could take her home. I slid the blanket she was laying on before into the carrier, and then let her crawl down my arm and into the carrier. She was so well behaved already. I put the other blanket on top of her, and the little stuffed tiger I had gotten for her went in as well. I went outside with my new little fur baby. Not that I didn't already have a lot of them, but this one was mine and Derek's to care for. We were going to be like parents. I can't wait, I put her in the front seat next to me. I drove as fast as I could, without breaking the law, to Derek's loft. I quickly unloaded the kitten and all of her stuff, and ran up the stairs to the elevator. I pressed the button for Derek's floor, and waited to see the look on his face. I ran in, and immediately yelled for him.

"DEREK! GET YOUR FURRY ASS IN HERE! I WANT YOU TO MEET SOMEONE!" I yelled, getting my little baby out of her carrier and holding her behind my back. 

"What! What is it Kendra?" He yelled, coming downstairs all wolf-y like. 

"Nothing bad, I just want you to meet someone." I said, getting ready to pull her around to the front of me.

"Okay, where are they?" He asked, looking around. I pulled her to the front of me.

"Here she is. Meet our new kitty. Derek, this is Gidget. Gidget this is Derek." I said, enthusiastically. I held her out for him to pet her.

"No! Absolutely not! Take it back!" Derek said, growling at her. She hissed at him and started batting at him. 

"Hey Gidget's feisty! She's just like you Derek!" I said, laughing. I set her down, and let her explore. 

"She is not just like me! She is a feline! She's also tiny, and fuzzy." Derek said, standing on the couch to avoid the cat. 

"Oh my god, Derek, get your ass down here. She's little, let her sniff you, and get to know you." I said, lifting Gidget onto the couch. She sniffed at Derek and rubbed on him. He picked her up with his shoe and then lifted her up to his face with his hands. She batted at his nose, like the sweetie she is and then licked him. He wiped off his face, and set her down. 

"Fine. She can stay, but if I so much as catch her pissing on my floor or catch her shredding curtains, she's gone." He said, walking away. 

"Also, we're having a pack meeting tonight, so you might not want her down here." He said, sticking his head back through the doorway. I kissed him on my way to set up my new fur baby's place. I set her up on my side of the bed. Before we knew it, all the pack was here. I left the door open for the kitty in case she wanted to come down, which she did. She padded her tiny little paws right into the living room. 

"So the plan...who is this little one?" Scott asked, picking up Gidget, and rubbing her belly.

"This is our new kitten, Gidget. Derek and I just got her from the animal shelter, we're going to take care of her now." I said, taking my precious fur baby from Scott and handing her to Stiles. Everyone wanted a chance to play with Gidget. The pack started to tease Derek about being whipped and taking care of something like a kitten. He got angry and sent them home, but they waited until they all got a chance to play with Gidget. He got frustrated and went to bed. I followed up in a little bit. I put Gidget back in our room, I showered, and changed into some navy blue and black checkered pajama shorts and a navy blue tank top. I put my hair up into a ponytail and hopped into bed. I turned over and kissed Derek on the cheek.

"You know I think it's sexy that you let me keep the kitten. You're being a really good sport." I flipped over and went to sleep.

                                                                                            TIME SKIP

I woke up the next morning and flipped over. Derek wasn't there, so I got up to get ready for the morning. I picked out a nice white dress with little pink flowers and green leaves on it. I also grabbed a jean jacket, a bra, some underwear, and some pink flats that matched the flowers on the dress. I showered, brushed my teeth and hair, did my make up, curled my hair, and finally put on some perfume. I walked out of the bathroom and went downstairs to see if Derek was training or eating breakfast or something. I walked downstairs and didn't see him in the weight room, so I figured he must be eating. I walked through the living room, and what I saw made my heart melt. Derek was laying on his back on the couch, asleep, and Gidget was asleep on top of his chest. He had his hand curled around her little body, and he had pulled the blanket over her slightly to keep her warm. I couldn't resist and I pulled out my iPhone and took a couple pictures. Derek would probably kill me for this later, but it was so worth it. 

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