Imagine for Harry1Dlover2014

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"Anna! Get up! You're going to be late for your first day at Beacon Hills!" My mother yelled up to me from downstairs.

"Great, another new school this year. Hopefully this one will be better than the last one." I thought to myself. I rushed out of bed and over to the shower. I quickly washed off, and stepped out. I brushed my teeth, but I didn't have time to blow dry my hair, so I threw it into a low ponytail. I ran over to my desk and slid on my undergarments, and as I went to grab my dress, I realized that my cat had puked on it.

"Ugh!! Why does this always happen to me?" I groaned out, running to my closet. I pulled out the first pink tank top I saw, a pair of ripped black jeans, and my converse. I also grabbed my leather jacket. I didn't have time to make sure I looked okay, and I grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs. I yelled goodbye to my parents and ran out the door to my car. I vaulted over the door, and threw my keys into the ignition, only for it to grind and not start. I hopped back out of the car, and ran into the house.

"Can someone give me a ride? My car isn't starting and I'm going to be late!" I yelled up the stairs. My dad came running downstairs and told me to get into his car. I hopped in, and threw my book bag into the backseat. Within five minutes, we pulled up to the school, and I hopped out. I reached into the back and grabbed my bag. I ran over to the stairs of the school, and as I began to run up the stairs, I tripped. I tore up my jeans even more, and my knee began to bleed pretty severely. I pulled myself up, and limped into the office. I asked for my schedule, only to get screamed at by the secretary, because I was supposed to print it out at home. She quickly moved to her desk and printed it out, and thrust it at me. I took it and limped out to try and find my first classroom, with a bleeding knee. I shoved my schedule into my bag and limped as quickly as possible down the stairs to room 111 for Economics. I heard the seams in my bag begin to tear, and then my whole bag ripped and fell apart. I teared up in frustration, and quickly bent down to pick up my stuff. I gathered all of my books and papers, and began to run down the stairs. I made it into the room just as the bell rang, and took the first open seat. My knee was still profusely bleeding and soaking into my jeans. Even worse, it was beginning to sting from the dirt that no doubt got in it when I was kneeling on the school stairs. I held back my tears of frustration and pain, and looked up at the board. I saw the teacher come in, and he already looked frustrated.

"Alright, you in the pink tank top, what was last night's reading about?" He asked, looking at me with an irritated scowl on his face.

"I- I- I don't know." I stuttered out, my face burning and knee stinging.

"Why not? Didn't you do the reading? Of course you didn't, you're just another one of these kids." He said, slamming his hand down onto his podium.

"Actually, sir, I'm a new student. My name's Anna. I might be on your roster. I didn't know there was any reading to do." I whimpered out, close to tears again.

"Oh jeezus, and look at you! You're bleeding all over my carpet. Get out and go to the nurse, maybe do the reading while you're in there." He said, writing me a pass. I gathered my stuff and grabbed the pass that he thrust at me. I limped back up the stairs and went back into the office.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but does anyone know where the nurse's office is? I'm a bit lost." I whimpered out. 

"Jesus, do we have to do everything for you kids? Why can't you just be self sufficient? It's the room right behind here." The same secretary from earlier grumbled at me. I quickly made my way out of the office and behind it. I saw a woman sitting at her desk in a white coat, and I cleared my throat.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" I asked, quietly.

"Sssssh. I'm watching my show, sit down, and I'll help as soon as I'm done." She said, flapping her hand at me. I quickly sat in one of the wooden chairs and waited for her to finish her show. I felt blood trickling down my leg, and my jeans had started to drip from how much blood had soaked into them. I saw the blood drip onto the white tiled floor of her office, and I quickly tried to mop it up with the bottom of my shoe. I only succeeded in smearing it around on her floor. Finally her show ended, and she turned to look at me. 

"What do you need?" She asked, moving in front of me. 

"Um, I tore up my knee when I fell coming into the school. I also got some dirt in it, and it's stinging really badly. It's bleeding pretty severely." I said, lifting my leg so she could look at it. 

"That's infected. You're going to have to go to the doctor's. I'll write you a pass and then you can go home. Whose number should I call for you?" She asked, sliding over to her computer. 

"My mom, you can call her cellphone. If I'm not in the system yet, I can give it to you." I said, gathering my books from beside me. 

"No worries, you're already in the system. I'll call your mother, and you go give this pass to the office. I'll bandage you up when you come back in." She said, dialing my mother on the school phone. I left my books on the chair, and limped my way over to the office, still dripping blood from my knee and jeans. I handed the mean secretary the pass and limped back over to the nurse's office. 

"Your mom is busy right now, she said she can come get you at lunch. You can wait in here until then or you can go back to class." She said, grabbing some rubbing alcohol and cotton balls from her counter. She began to wet the cotton balls with the alcohol and clean out my wound. 

"I'll go back to class, I suppose. I shouldn't miss a bunch on my first day." I said, waiting for her to finish wrapping my knee in an ACE bandage. 

"Alright, well be careful, and come back in if it hurts any worse." She said, handing me a pass to go back to class. 

"Thank you." I said, limping out. I made my way back to Economics class, only for the bell to ring signalling a class change. I made my way over to the Chemistry room, only to get knocked flat on my ass by a group of girls. They all started to laugh at me, and the lead girl sneered and said

"Why don't you watch where you're going klutz!" She proceeded to step on my schedule after that and she walked away. I gathered my books again, and tried to stand up with the burning in my knee. I looked down and saw that the bandage had torn, and blood was starting to seep out even more than it had before. I teared up, and pushed my way into the classroom. Once I got sat down at an empty desk in the back, I wiped away my tears and tried to pull the bandage together and keep the wound from getting more infected. 

The teacher came in and took attendance and began to lecture. I listened and took notes, until the bell rang for lunch. I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket, and texted my mom. I asked her if she was on her way, and she said yes. I went to the office to check out, grabbed my books, and went to sit outside on the same steps where I tore up my knee. 

When I got there, I saw a boy that had been in my Economics and my Chemistry class. I didn't bother to talk to him, considering the mockery I had made of myself in Economics. I sat down on the other edge of the stairs and opened one of the books I had to read. I saw him out of my peripheral vision, and he walked over and sat down next to me. 

"Hey, I'm Stiles. You're Anna, right?" He asked, looking over at me.

"Yep. That's me. Why are you talking to me though? I thought I made enough of a fool of myself already so that people wouldn't want to talk to me." I said, wiping more tears from my eyes. 

"You just seemed to be having a rough first day. I wanted to see if you were okay. I felt really bad about Coach yelling at you like that, he's just in one of his moods today. He'll probably apologize tomorrow." He said, bringing a hand down onto my knee. 

"Thanks. No one's ever really done that for me. I'm alright, although my knee is infected from where I tore it up and got dirt in it. That's why I'm leaving. I have to go to the doctor." I said, screwing with the bandage that was covering my wound. 

"Aww, I'm sorry. I know this might sound creepy, but you're really pretty. I also think that I like you, I mean, you're gorgeous, and you have a great personality. I'm just wondering if maybe you'd want to hang out sometime?" He asked, hopefully. 

"Yeah, sure, I'd like that." I said, blushing. He leaned in and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. I turned to meet his eyes, and we stared for a little while. Suddenly, a car horn pulled us out of our trance. I looked over to see my mom waving at me from inside. I tried to stand up, and Stiles offered me his hand to help me up. I gladly took it, and then he handed me my stuff.

"I'll see you around Anna!" He yelled, going back inside the school.

"See you later Stiles!" I yelled back. 

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