Imagine for MeghanAmos

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I quickly stripped down out of my clothes, and hopped into the shower. I quickly washed out all my hair products, and let myself get clean. Once I was done, I got out, dried my normally curly hair, that looked more straight now, and threw it up into a ponytail. I slipped into my Froot Loop pajamas, and walked out and got into bed. I flipped on my laptop, and turned on Netflix. A knock sounded on my door, and then my mom and dad came in.

"Goodnight Meghan, see you in the morning sweetie."

"Night mom, night dad. See you in the morning." I said, smiling at them. They smiled back, and turned off the light. I turned on my favorite show, and then laid down to try and get some sleep. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


I heard a giant thud that took me straight out of my sleep. I grabbed the baseball bat that was next to my bed and flipped back over it to stand on the intruders side. The intruder turned over on their back, and I screamed.





"Stiles!! What the hell are you doing?" I whisper yelled. Thank god my parents are heavy sleepers.

"I came to see my girlfriend after the pack meeting tonight. Didn't know I'd nearly die. Its raining and I slipped on the window sill. Sorry." He said, standing up.

"Its okay, wait how the hell did you even get up here?" I asked, looking outside.

"I climbed up the trellis, and onto the porch roof, and then pulled myself onto the roof, and poof, I'm in your room." He said, coming to hug me.

"Not right now Stiles. You're soaking wet, go get changed, and then we'll talk." I said, walking back over to my bed, and getting in. Stiles had left some clothes here from the last time he slept over, so he changed into those, and then came into my bed.

"I missed you tonight, it seems like I hardly get to see you anymore, with all the pack stuff going on." Stiles said, kissing me.

"Once my parents leave for work again, I'll get to come back to the meetings." I said.

"Good, cause the pack misses you too." He said. I leaned back into him, and he wrapped his arms around me. We fell asleep like that, and stayed there all night.


I woke up to strong arms wrapped around my stomach, and warm breath on my cheek. My eyes fluttered open to see Stiles' gorgeous amber eyes staring down at me.

"God, you are so cute with those sleepy brown eyes." He said, brushing his thumb across my cheek.

"You're not so bad yourself, with those sparkly amber eyes there Stiles." I said, snuggling back into him.

"You're way cuter than me though." He said.

"Agree to disagree, c'mon, we gotta get up for school." I said, sliding out of the bed.

"Ugh, yeah, I guess you're right." He said, following me up. I went to brush my teeth and hair, while he got dressed. My hair had gone back into its curly mess. I put on some light pink lip gloss, and some lighter blue eye-shadow. I checked myself in the mirror, when I was satisfied, I left to get dressed. Stiles and I switched rooms. I put on a pair of white shorts, a captain America shirt, Converse, and my black and white Letterman jacket. Stiles came out of the bathroom, and then we both went downstairs. My parents know he sleeps over, so they're cool with it. Stiles and I ate breakfast, and then left for school.

Alright, my first update in forever. I'm so sorry guys. I hope you like this Meghan!

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