Your Celebrity Crush

3.2K 93 79

Scott: Lucas Till

Stiles: Taylor Lautner

Liam: Jensen Ackles

Isaac: Young Rob Lowe

Jackson: Louis Tomlinson

Derek: Misha Collins

Aiden: Chris Evans

Theo: Robert Downey Jr.

Brett: Chris Hemsworth

***OMG I'm so sorry for not updating. I just started my sophomore year of high school, I got sick today, which is only my 3rd day, so I had to stay home. This story is at over 3K reads and over 100 votes, and I'm so excited and thankful to all of you guys, who are inspiring me to write this story. You guys are amazing and if you ever want to ask me anything or just talk, I'd be so happy to listen and to chat with you guys. Thank you lovelies all so much, BUBBLEBEAR!!!****

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