
750 13 5

Hey guys, so I got tagged to do the 13 tag by criminal_wolves_312
Must post the rules
Must write 13 facts about yourself
Must answer the 13 questions from the tagger
Must ask 13 questions
Must tag 13 people
Be creative
You can't say you don't do tags
Must finish within a week
You can tag back.

1. I am 16 years old
2. I have 1 older sister, who lives in New York
3. My dream car is a Black 1970 Dodge Charger R/T (Dominic Toretto Style)
4. I love writing almost everything, poetry, stories, etc.
5. I love Tennesse
6. I live in Iowa
7. I am a Type 1 Diabetic
8. I'm super shy, and sensitive. I will either cry or be murderously angry if people are mean to me.
9. I may be graduating from high school early.
10. I am very easily made to feel isolated.
11. I am in the progress of writing a novel.
12. I have recently become obsessed with the Newlywed Game hosted by Sherri Sheperd.
13. I hate feeling weak, in any way.

1. What's your favorite TV show?
I have 3 at the moment. Which are: Teen Wolf, Supernatural, and Grimm.
2. What do you want to be when you get older?
I am actually planning on being an English Teacher for either 8th, 9th, or maybe even 10th grade. I am hoping to also assist in the drama department.
3. What grade are you in?
I am a sophomore.
4. Favorite Drink?
As of the moment, Minute Maid Berry Punch.
5. Least Favorite Thing About Your Favorite TV Show?
For Teen Wolf, I don't like the fact that Kira is having so much trouble, I think that maybe there are too many conflicts going on at once.
For Supernatural, I don't like that Dean is attracted and attached to Amara.
For Grimm, I do not like the current plot.
6. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
I would have the power of invisibility. That way if someone makes me upset, I can just disappear.
7. Biggest Pet Peeve?
I think my biggest pet peeve is when people, especially people you think are your friends, say stuff that makes you feel about half an inch tall, and miserable.
8. Favorite Hobbies?
I have quite a few hobbies. I love interior design, reading, writing (obviously), singing, meditating, watching TV, and role-playing.
9. Do you have any pets? If so, what are they?
I have two precious kitties. I used to have three, but one passed one and a half years ago. Her name was Zoe and she was the sweetest angel ever.
The two that are still with me are a Tabby and a Calico.
The Tabby is a boy named Bailey, and the Calico is a girl named Snickers. <3
10. What kind of phone do you have?
An Android Moto X
11. Favorite Movie?
I have to say my favorite movie is The Outsiders or Avengers
12. Weirdest Dream?
This is really hard, because I have a lot. I guess the weirdest one I had is a recurring nightmare that I wake up screaming from every time. I start off in a mall. I'm with my parents and my sister. We go down to the aquarium, where they have giant great white sharks. The signs say, captured, man eating sharks, have killed 300+ people. The tour guide informational people say that the glass is totally secure, and they knock on it, and then it all cracks and the sharks come spilling out, all of my family dies, and there is a bunch of blood and body parts, and then they start talking to me, and it's like mental torture. And I wake up screaming, every time.
13. Happiest Memory?
This is another hard one, because I can't really remember a time when I was really happy. I guess it would have to be when I was 7 and went to Tennessee with all of my family on my dad's side. We stayed in a big cabin, played in the creek, built a tiny waterfall, went to the candy store, and overall I was just really happy.

1. If you could be any character, who would you be and why?
2. Where is your dream place to live?
3. What is most important to you, in your life?
4. What is your favorite class, if you go to school?
5. What type of music do you most connect with?
6. Do you like to write poetry?
7. If you were to write a novel, what would it be about?
8. What is your favorite season?
9. What is your life goal?
10. What is your happiest memory?
11. What is your favorite holiday?
12. If you had a Patronus, what would it be?
13. What is your favorite flower?


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