Imagine for Skye

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I was laying on my bed, watching Netflix on my laptop, when the internet started to buffer. I took out my headphones, and I heard the loudest crash of thunder ever! I jumped out of my bed, and I threw the curtains closed. I hate the look of storms, but I love the sounds. I slipped on my slip-on Converse and quickly jogged downstairs to reset the internet modem. I heard a knock at the door, and I looked at the clock. It was 11:45 at night, who could be at the door right now?? I walked over and looked out the window. I saw the familiar mop of wet curls. I immediately knew what happened and flew to the door. I ripped it open, and pulled him inside and into my arms.

"Isaac, bud, what happened??" I say, running my fingers through the wet curly mess of his.

"My dad....he....he beat me. I couldn't take it I ran out. He came look for me....and then he.....he screamed.....and then....then he just....dropped...his chest w-was shredded.....absolutely shredded. I got scared and I didn't know where to go, so I came here."

"Its okay, its okay bud. Let's go upstairs and look at the damage, hmm?" I say, trying to be comforting.

"Thanks're the best. No wonder you're my best friend." He says, starting to finally calm down. We walked upstairs to my room, and he laid down on my bed.

"Alright, go ahead and take off your shirt, I'll go get the first aid kit." I left him alone in the room, and quickly jogged down the hall to get the box of stuff that usually only got used on Isaac, and me once when I got in a skateboarding accident. I went back down the hallway, and as soon as I saw Isaac, I dropped the box. He had bloody welts, red marks, scratches, and gashes everywhere. I ran over to him and started to try to fix some of it. I ran back to the bathroom and grabbed a towel for him to lay on. I had him sit up so I could disinfect and bandage him up. While I was bandaging a nasty gash on his stomach, I realized how tight his abs were. I lightly traced my fingers over his abs and looked up to his eyes. He was staring at me. He started to lean down and I leaned up, and our lips met. It was soft, but passionate at the same time. We broke apart and smiled at each other.

"Do you just wanna stay over tonight? I mean, my parents are out, and they wouldn't care anyways." I said, slightly pulling away.

"Yeah, thanks Skye. You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that by the way." He said, kissing me again. We both layed down after I finished bandaging him, and we fell asleep side by side.

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