What He Thinks When He Sees You

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Scott: "Oh my god, she is so beautiful. I should go talk to her. No, wait, what if I mess up? I don't even know her name. Wait, why are my feet moving? No, no, no!! Stiles I'll kill you." 

Stiles: "Oh wow, she's cute. OMG her sneeze was adorable, I should go say hi! She looks like a bunny when she sneezes!! OMG she's adorable! Okay, feet, move, no! Not that fast! Don't look eager, you probably look insane! And now you've run into her. Good job, Stilinski! Oh crap, help her up!"

Liam: "Oh that poor girl, she looks lost, I should help her. Oh, crap! She caught me staring! SPEAK DUNBAR! ...........and now she thinks you're crazy!.........and you're stuttering. Great! Oh my gosh, she's blushing, she's adorable!"

Isaac: "Hey is that the girl my teacher was talking about earlier? I think she is, I'm going to say hi. Oh wow, she's reading the same book I am. Cool!" 

Jackson: "Okay, 1, 2, 3, sprint, jog, run, sprint, jog, run. OUCH WHAT JUST RAN INTO ME?! Oh my god, she's hot! Apologize and help her up." 

Derek: "Oh great, someone fell by my house again. I should go check on them. Oh wow, she's hot. Be hot, be charming. And now she's threatening to call the cops. Be more charming."

Aiden: "That dude is really awesome on his bike!! Maybe I should talk to him when he comes over to wash off his bike. Holy **** that dude is a chick, and she is hot, maybe I should say a pick-up line. Nope, just clean off your bike, now clean off the side. Why did she just spray me with water? Oh...I just soaked her. WATER FIGHT!!!!!" 

Theo: "Wow, that girl is pretty. Be your confident, bad-a** self and get a date." 

Brett: "Alright, throw harder! You have to beat Beacon Hills at the game. Oh hey there's a girl running!!! OH CRAP WATCH OUT!!! And I've knocked her out, and I should probably find out where she lives and run her to a hospital." 

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