Imagine for Caroline

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I sat down at the lunch table and waited for Liam to come sit with me like he always did. I saw him start over towards my table, and I waved.

"Hey Liam!" I said, as he sat down.

"Hey Caroline." He said, kissing me on the cheek. Liam and I had been dating for roughly four months now.

"You're still coming to dinner tonight, right?? My parents are really wanting to meet you." I said. My parents had asked me to invite Liam over for dinner, as they hadn't formally met yet.

"Yep. I'm a little nervous though, your dad is an ex marine, I'm kind of worried about what he's going to do to me if I screw something up." He said, blushing.

"Just be your adorable charming self and everything is going to be just fine. I mean, my dad is really just a big teddy bear, as long as I'm happy, he's happy. You'll be fine. Just make sure you're on time, and that you wear something not denim. Those are things that drive my dad nuts." I said, making sure that he knew what my dad expected.

"Don't worry, I already have my outfit picked out. You'll like it." He said, starting to eat his lunch.

The rest of the school day passed uneventfully, like usual, and then it was time to go home. Liam was supposed to be at my house at 6:00 tonight. I had to get showered and changed, seeing as I didn't want to wear shorts and a T-shirt to a dinner where my mom, dad, and Liam would be dressed up. I drove straight home, and hopped into the shower. I let the warm water soothe my anxiety about tonight. I told Liam everything was going to be fine, but I'm not so sure. My mom and dad can be really judgemental sometimes, but I'm sure they'll love Liam, everyone does. Once I got out, I dried my hair, brushed my teeth, and changed into some nice clothes (picture above). I also put on some medium pink lipstick, and a little bit of foundation and blush, just to make my skin look silky smooth. Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I went downstairs to find our what mom was making for dinner.

"Hey mom!" I said, entering the kitchen.

"Hey Caroline, you look absolutely gorgeous. This Liam boy must be very special." She said, glancing at me out of the corner of her eye.

"He really is, that's why I want you guys to love him. I love him, and I want us all to get along. What's for dinner?" I asked.

"I'm going to make veal parmesan, a nice salad with Italian dressing, and for dessert, I made individual chocolate lava cakes. Sound good?" She asked, smiling at me.

"That sounds awesome, thank you mom." I said, hugging her.

"No problem sweetie. Why don't you go see where your dad is, I'm sure he'd like to see you before Liam arrives." She said, shooing me out of the kitchen. I walked down the hall to my dad's office, now that he's out of the Marines, he is the publisher of a few newspapers.

"Hey dad." I said, walking in, and sitting on the arm of his chair.

"Hey Champ, how's it going?" He asked, shutting down his computer.

"Good. Mom's making dinner, and Liam should be here soon." I said.

"Ah yeah, Liam. I'm glad I get to meet the kid. I just hope for his sake, that he doesn't break your heart. He'd be in big trouble with me if that happened." Dad said.

"He won't." All of a sudden, I heard the doorbell ring. My dad ran to change into his suit, and mom was already in a nice dress. I ran to the door, and threw it open. Liam stood there with a bouquet of pink peonies, and in a full on suit. Tie and jacket and everything, the whole shebang. Except he was wearing Converse, which is okay, cause this is only a semi formal thing. My mom and dad were at the door in a second.

"Hello Liam, Caroline has told us so much about you. Come in." My mom said.

"Thank you very much ma'am. These flowers are for you." He said, handing her the peonies. She smiled and took them.

"That was very thoughtful Liam, thank you, they're gorgeous." She said, putting them in a vase. My dad made himself look as tall and intimidating as possible.

"Hello sir, I'm Liam Dunbar. You must be Caroline's father. May I shake your hand?" He asked, sticking out his own. My dad looked at him in shock, and then shook his hand. We all sat down for dinner. It went better than I could have hoped for. Liam was funny, adorable, and sweet. Just like always, and my parents loved him. When it came time for him to leave, my parents were shaking his hands, and my mother even hugged him. My dad clapped him on the shoulder on his way out, and said.

"I'm glad you're looking out for my little girl. You're a fine young man Liam. She's lucky to have you." I heard him say as Liam left. Just before he left, he came back and kissed me on the cheek. Overall, the night was absolutely perfect.

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