Your Disorder

3.3K 93 102

Scott: Depression

Stiles: Anxiety

Liam: OCD

Isaac: ADD

Jackson: Panic Disorder

Derek: Nightmare Disorder

Aiden: Dysthymia (Persistent Depressive Disorder)

Theo: Social Anxiety 

Brett: Anorexia

Hey guys, so I went to a therapist for the first time today. My parents have noticed that I've been acting really weird and not myself lately, and they've been right. I have been self-harming for about 2 years, and I'm just now going to therapy. My therapist, after only one day of questions, is pretty sure I have

1. Regular Anxiety

2. Social Anxiety

3. Depression

4. Trauma

5. Self-Harm

6. Pre-Suicidal

7. And maybe ADHD

I'm really sorry, that I haven't been updating much lately, I just have been really busy, and struggling to get through these things. I was bullied through 8th grade to now, and it still kind of goes on, so it's really hard for me to try to move on and have happy thoughts. You guys are a really good motivation for me to keep going though, because I can see that you guys like this story, and it shows me that I am doing something good, and that I'm worth putting effort into. So thank you guys. You are amazing, and I probably wouldn't be here without you. <3

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