Imagine for shipper_of_all_ships

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I fell asleep last night knowing that it was supposed to snow, but I never imagined that I would wake up to this. There is a winter wonderland outside! There was about half a foot of snow outside, and there was beautiful ice hanging off of the trees. I shot up out of bed, only to realize that I was under my phone. I checked the alerts, and school had been cancelled. I also realized that the Beacon Hills winter festival was this week, starting today. This was the best time of the year for me. The Beacon Hills winter festival was always so beautiful. The white twinkle lights were shining off the ice and snow, there was beautiful Christmas music playing, there was hot chocolate, hot apple cider, funnel cakes, all the little bakeries and cafes were open, and there was a ferris wheel and a bunch of other rides. My parents always used to take me when I was younger, and then I started going by myself, maybe I would take Stiles this year and introduce him to the wonderfulness that is the Beacon Hills winter festival. I decided I would call him to see if he wanted to come over and then go to the winter festival. 

"Hey Stiles!" I said, starting to pick out my clothes for the day.

"Hey Nicola! What's up?" He asked, sounding like he was playing a game on his computer. 

"Well, since school got cancelled, I was thinking maybe you could come over and we could hang out and then I could maybe take you to the winter festival." I said, hopeful. 

"Yeah! Oh my god, I forgot the winter festival started tonight. My mom and dad used to take me when I was younger, but we stopped going after mom passed." He said, sadly.

"Oh I'm sorry Stiles. If you don't want to go, we don't have to." I said, feeling terrible for him. 

"No no! I want to go. Let's do it." He said, sounding like he was getting up. 

"Alright, I'll see you in about an hour then? I'll go get some donuts and some chocolate milk and we can eat." I said.

"I'll see you soon princess. I love you." He said. 

"Love you too!" I said, hanging up the phone. I got up and started to really look through my closet for a cute outfit to wear to the winter festival. I picked out a cute white sweater, some purple jeans, gray knee high boots, a purple infinity scarf, a gray knit jacket, some diamond ball earrings, and a purple leather bag. I walked into the bathroom with my pile of clothing, set them down on the counter, and started to strip down out of my pajamas. I hopped into a nice hot shower, washed my hair and body, then got out and dried myself off. I put my hair up into the towel tower, and then got dressed. I let my hair fall out of the towel, and I got out my blow drier. I blow dried it until it was dry, and then I curled it into waves. I put on some purple lipstick that contrasted nicely with my winter paled skin. I put on some Between Us perfume by One Direction, it provided some really nice Christmas-y spiced notes that I loved. I walked out of the bathroom and went downstairs. I grabbed my car keys and drove to my favorite donut shop downtown, got two dozen donuts, then I went to the grocery store and picked up a gallon of chocolate milk. I came back home just in time for Stiles to walk up to my gate. He grabbed the box of donuts from me, and kissed me on the cheek. 

"Hey princess! Don't you look pretty today?" He asked, walking with me up to the house. I opened the door for us, and we went in and set everything down on the coffee table. Soon we dug into our donuts and we each had a cup of chocolate milk sitting in front of us. We watched Christmas movies until it was time for us to get ready for the winter festival. Stiles was wearing one of his flannel shirts with jeans and a leather jacket, and his tennis shoes. I slipped on my gray knit jacket, and then Stiles and I started to walk downtown to go to the festival. It was just sunset now, and it made for a beautiful walk. The orange light glinted off of snow crystals and the light sparkled through the icicles and ice crystals on the trees. Stiles and I intertwined our hands, and when we saw the festival come into sight, we started to jog down. As soon as we got to the perimeter of the festival, I could immediately smell the hot cider, funnel cakes, hot chocolate, and the other goods from the shops that were open. Stiles' eyes sparkled with joy and wonder, and I could see the twinkle lights reflecting in his eyes. 

"So, what do you want to do first Stiles?" I asked, looking at him.

"Umm, do you wanna grab some cider? Then maybe we could go ice skating?" Stiles asked, looking at the ground. 

"Sounds good to me. Let's go!" I said, pulling him towards the cider stand. We both got a cup of hot apple cider in styrofoam cups with plastic lids. Next we headed over to the ice rink. We got our sizes in ice skates, and headed out onto the rink. We held hands again, and I started to pull him around the rink. I used to skate a lot when I was younger, so I got pretty good at it. I could tell Stiles had skated before, but he wasn't as experienced as I was, so I pulled him so that we could stay together. He finally got up to my speed, and we started skating around each other in fancy complex patterns. In that moment, we were each other's whole world. We could only see each other. We skated for about two hours, and then we realized it was dark. Stiles and I decided to go on the ferris wheel to finish off the night. We loaded on with our cups of hot chocolate we had gotten on the way to the ferris wheel, along with two chocolate croissants. We finally reached the top, and I leaned over to put my arms on the bar. 

"It's so beautiful up here at night, don't you think Stiles? Just look at the stars.. they're so bright." I said, mesmerized by the twinkling balls of fire in the sky. 

"The only stars I see are in your eyes, Nicola." He said, staring at me. I blushed, and turned my head to him. I blinked my eyes a couple times, and then Stiles and I both leaned in. I closed my eyes and waited for the sweet meeting of our lips. When it finally happened, all the world around me went blank, except for the feeling of his lips on mine. In one word, it was perfect. I didn't feel the cold of the wind, and I didn't hear the dull chatter of the people below us. All I was experiencing was Stiles' soft plump lips against mine.

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