Imagine for eMarie555

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I stood in the shower, letting the warm water wash all over my body. Liam and I were going to a big party at Mason's, and I was making sure to look good. After I finished washing my hair and body, I washed off and got dried off. I slipped on my bathrobe, and walked out into my bedroom. I had laid my outfit out earlier, and it looked great for a party. I had a sexy black dress, black lace underwear and bra, sexy strapped heels, and all I had to do after I got dressed was put on my red lipstick and my other makeup. I slipped off my bathrobe, and into my bra and underwear. Next I slipped my dress on over my dried hair, and slid on my heels. I looked at myself in the body mirror, and I looked great. I walked back into the bathroom to do my make-up and to style my hair. I curled my hair into loose ringlets, and I put on some red lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, and black eye-shadow. I put on a black necklace with a silver star in the middle, and some black bangles. When I finished, I put my phone into my purse along with some cash, and my driver's license. I sat down on my bed, and waited for Liam to show up in his new truck that his parents got him for his birthday. Soon enough, I heard a honk from outside, and Liam was getting out of the truck. He was wearing a white suit shirt, with a red and black striped shirt over that, black pants, red converse, and a black jacket. He knocked on the door, and I grabbed my purse and ran downstairs. I opened the door and his eyes widened.

"Hey Liam, you ready to go?" I asked, grabbing my leather jacket from beside the door.

"Yeah. Wow, Marie, you look amazing. Ive never seen you like this before." He said, leading me to his truck. We talked all the way to Mason's and before I knew it, we were there. He helped me out, and then we walked into the party together. There was loud dubstep music playing from every direction it seemed. Liam grabbed my hand and led me to Mason. We each gave him our presents, and then we went to grab a drink. I grabbed a Coke, and Liam grabbed a Mountain Dew. We went and sat down to drink, and then we got up and started to dance. I felt almost buzzed, like someone had spiked the drinks. It could have just been the energy, I suppose. Liam and I danced for awhile until I asked.

"Liam, did those drinks taste funny to you? I'm feeling a little weird." I said, pulling him outside.

"Maybe a little, c'mon, we can go sit in the truck to see if maybe we feel better." He said, pulling me away. We sat in his truck for a little while, and I did start to feel better. I looked over and Liam was staring at me. He reached a hand over to me, and moved a strand of hair away from my face. Before I knew it, we were kissing. The kissing turned to making out, and before I knew it, he was slipping off my dress. I had wanted to be with Liam for a long time, and so I went with it. Sometime during the make-out we had moved to the backseat, he had taken off my bra, and I had gotten him down to his boxers. It was getting really hot in that car, and before I knew it, people were exiting Mason's. I sat up quickly, and told Liam that someone was going to see us. He pulled out of the yard, and he drove to the Beacon Hills Preserve. We continued what had been halted at Mason's party there. It was a blur of heat, passion, and love. The next thing I knew, the sun was coming up over the trees. I was laying in Liam's arms, in only my underwear. I turned over to see him, in only his underwear. I guess we had managed to slip back into those after last night. Liam asked if I wanted to go home, so I could get some clothes. I said yes, and he drove me there. I quickly slipped back into my dress, jacket, and shoes. I kissed him and then he drove off. I slipped my hair into a rubber banded ponytail and went upstairs. I grabbed a T-shirt, sports bra, sweatpants, and some socks, and changed into those. I walked into the bathroom, washed all the makeup off my face, and took off all my jewelry. Once I looked like a girl who didn't just have sex, I crawled into bed. I fell asleep almost instantly.

Time skip to Monday

I woke up and got dressed to go to school. I threw on a white cropped T-shirt with roses on it, a pair of high waisted jean shorts, and flats the same color as the roses. I brushed my teeth and hair, grabbed my bookbag, and left. I drove to the school, and parked next to Liam's truck. I saw Scott and Stiles cornering Liam against it. They were holding up....oh god. They were holding up my bra from the party. I hadn't even realized it was gone. I slid out of my car, and hoped to god that none of them saw me.

"Marie! Hey, come here!" Stiles called to me. I stopped in my tracks, smiled at them, and walked over.

"What's up guys?" I asked, as nonchalantly as possible.

"Do you know whose this is?? You'll never believe where we found it." Stiles asked.

"Ummm, nope, never seen it in my life." I said, trying to walk away. Stiles pulled me back.

"Guess where we found it?" He said, eyeing Liam.

"On your body??" I asked, sarcastically.

"Ha ha. No. In Liam's truck. We want to know whose it is, and he isn't telling us. We thought since you two were so close, you might have an idea."

"You have no idea" I thought to myself. I gathered up the courage to say something, and then, just as I was about to say it, Lydia and Malia came over to us.

"Hey, Marie, why is Scott holding your bra??" Malia and Lydia asked.

"Its yours?" Scott and Stiles asked, looking at me with huge smiles on their face. I quickly grabbed the bra, and stuffed it in my bag. I knew I was blushing, and I walked over to Malia and Lydia and hit them both in the shoulder. Then I stood back in my position of the circle.

"YOU HOOKED UP WITH MARIE??" Scott and Stiles asked Liam.

"YOU HOOKED UP WITH LIAM???" Lydia and Malia asked me.

"YES OKAY WE DID!" Liam and I shouted at the same time. We both looked down, held each other's hands, and glared at the ground.

"FINALLY!" Everyone, except for Liam and I, yelled. They laughed. Liam and I looked up, kissed, and ran into the school building.

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