Liam/ Stiles Imagine: From Best Friend To Boyfriend Part 1

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You noticed Stiles had been distant lately, and you found it odd. You two had been dating for over 3 years. You had lived in Beacon Hills all your life, and had had a crush on him since your first year of middle school. When he asked you out your freshman year, it was a dream come true. You had tried calling, texting, everything to try to get ahold of him, but still nothing. So now you are on your way to his house. He can't ignore you if you are on his doorstep or in his room. You started to make the walk from your house to his house. You knocked on the door and his dad answered.

"Hi Y/N come on in. Stiles and Malia are upstairs studying for your big math test on Monday. Go on up!" she said motioning for you to go towards the stairs. You headed up the stairs and turn to the right towards Stiles room. You figured it would be okay to just walk in...after all, you were dating. Boy were you wrong.
"Sti-" you said, cutting yourself off in shock. Stiles was holding Malia closer to him by the back of her head, and they were making out. It was obvious that they both wanted it. You were in shock. Your friend and your boyfriend, well now, ex-boyfriend and ex-friend had totally betrayed you. An odd noise somewhat between a sob and squeak escaped from your mouth. The two broke apart, and they both looked at you in shock. Your eyes filled with tears.
"Oh my god, Y/N! I-" Stiles started off.
"How could you Stiles? Or you Malia? I trusted both of you.." You said quietly, too shocked and upset to even yell.
"Y/N I promise it wasn-" Stiles said, getting up off of the bed.
"What, Stiles? It isn't what it looks like?? I saw you and her, you both wanted it. Please....please just.... don't lie to me. Haven't you already hurt me enough? Was I not good enough Stiles? Did I do something to hurt you like this, because if I did I am so sorry. I wouldn't ever wish this feeling on anyone, not even my worst enemy. Please just don't try to talk to me anymore. It'll just hurt too much. I gave you my everything Stiles. I loved you with everything I had. Obviously that wasn't enough for you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough for you, I hope you two are happy. You deserve each other." You said, tears silently flooding down your face. Malia looked at you with remorse, and you looked down to the floor. You took off the locket Stiles gave you for your 1 year anniversary. You dropped it into his hands, before you could start screaming and crying, you ran out of the room, with Stiles running after you. You ran downstairs, only to run into Sheriff Stilinski.
"Y/N what's wrong sweetie?" He asked, pulling you into a hug.
"I'm sorry Sheriff, but I won't be seeing you much anymore."
"Why not?"
"Stiles was cheating on me. He was kissing Malia when I went up there."
"Oh Y/N, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to ground him, or yell? I can yell." He asked, glaring at Stiles, who was right behind you two.
"No. I just want him to be happy. If that's not with me, I guess that's it. I just wish he would've told me. But, I guess I just wasn't good enough. I'm sorry, I have to go." You said, running out of the door, towards your absolute best friend, Liam Dunbar's house. In your running, you slipped down the stairs, because you were wearing smooth-bottomed sandals. You cut up your left elbow and right knee.
"Great! Could this night get any worse?" You yelled up to the sky. Then, of course, it thundered and started pouring buckets of rain.
"IT WAS A RHETORICAL QUESTION!!!" You yelled, picking yourself up. You tried to put some weight on your ankle, and realized it hurt extremely badly. You stopped caring and booked the last 3 blocks to Liam's house. Your ankle was throbbing like the bone was about to bust through the skin. You tried to run up the stairs to the Dunbar's and slipped....again. You cut up your left knee, and the area above your right eyebrow. You started crying even harder, and pulled yourself up. You knocked on the door, cradling your severely bleeding elbow.
"Hey Y/N wha- what happened?" Liam asked, answering the door.
"C-c-can I come in?? I need my best friend." You said, tears still pouring down your cheeks.
"Of course, come on!" Liam said, pulling you inside.
"Look at you! You're soaking wet, you're all cut up, and your ankle looks like its broken!" Liam said, handing you a towel.
"Thanks. Yeah, I know." You said, wrapping the towel around yourself.
"Let's get you cleaned up, and then we'll go see Ms. McCall about your ankle and that cut above your eyebrow." He said, guiding you through the living room. You saw his mom and dad.
"Y/N honey what happened?" His mom asked.
"Oh-" they cut you off.
"Was it that boy you've been seeing?" His dad asked. Your tears came faster and harder and you broke down into silent sobs.
"Dad! Mom! Look what you did! Y/N its okay, come on let's go upstairs and get you cleaned up." Liam said, guiding you upstairs. He saw you limping, and picked you up bridal style. He layed you down on his bed, and started to grab you some dry clothes. He reached into one of his drawers and started pulling out some of your clothes. You must have left them over here the last time you slept over. You and Liam had been best friends since you two were 6 months old. Your mom and his mom had been best friends since they were in grade school together. He handed you one of your bras and pairs of underwear, then he grabbed some of his lacrosse sweatpants, lacrosse jersey, and lacrosse hoodie. He tossed you a pair of your ankle socks, and then he closed the drawer. You started to change, and then you realized Liam was still in the room.
"Umm, Liam do you mind??" You asked, staring at him slightly.
"Y/N we used to take baths together remember?? I've seen you naked." He said, smirking at you.
"Yes, but that was when we were little." You said, still crying a little.
"Alright, I'll go get stuff to clean you up, you get changed." He said, pulling you close and kissing your the top of your head. He went into his bathroom, and you started undressing. You slipped into all the clothes, and then tied up your hair so it could start drying. You walked into the bathroom, and Liam picked you up and sat you down on the bathroom sink counter. He grabbed a washcloth and put some soap on it. He started to clean out your cuts and scrapes, and then he disinfected them with rubbing alcohol, and every time you would wince, Liam would tickle behind your knee, and you did end up kicking him in the chest.
"Sorry!" You said, your crying starting to slow down.
"It's okay, at least your crying is slowing down." He said, smiling at you.
"Yeah. Because of me accidentally kicking you in the chest." You said, giggling slightly.
"Yeah, no wonder you're the school's soccer star." He said, rubbing his chest. He finished cleaning the cuts and scrapes, and he managed to bandage the still heavily bleeding cut above your eye. He helped you down off the bathroom counter, and lifted you up bridal style again so that you didn't have to walk on your now giant swollen ankle. He set you down so he could get the car keys from his parents. You snuck over to his closet and stole a pair of his favorite sneakers. He came upstairs and picked you up bridal style and carried you downstairs to the car. He drove you over to the McCall's house. He carried you up and knocked on their door. Scott answered and was immediately stunned by your condition.
"Let's get you guys to the hospital, mom's working the late shift." He said, slipping on a pair of shoes. Liam tossed him the keys, and Liam got sat down in the front seat with you on his lap. Scott drove around to the ER section and parked the car. Liam carried you in while Scott ran over to the desk. His mom was working, took one look at you, and called for a wheel chair. An orderly brought one over and Liam set you down.
"What happened Y/N?" Melissa asked you.
"I'll tell everyone in private." You said, tired of everyone asking. Melissa wheeled you into an empty room and went to set up an X-ray. When she came back, Liam and Scott were right next to you in chairs, as you layed on the cot.
"Before your x-ray is ready, why don't you tell us what's going on?" Melissa asked.
"Okay, here we go. Stiles cheated on me with Malia, I went over to study with them today for the big math test on Monday, and I walked into his room and they were making out on the bed." You said, starting to sob again.
"I'm gonna kill him." Scott and Liam muttered at the same time.
"I'm so sorry Y/N!" Melissa said, hugging you.
"Its okay, I just want him to be happy. If that's not with me, then I suppose that's what it is, it just hurts that instead of telling me, he cheated on me. I thought I at least deserved that, but I guess not." You said, tears pouring down your face. You looked over at Liam and his head was down, so was Scott's. Someone paged Melissa and your x-ray was ready.
"Alright, your x-ray is ready hun." Melissa said, wheeling you out of the room.
Melissa wheeled Y/N out of the room, and I jumped out of my seat as soon as the door was closed. I could feel that I was wolfed out.
"I can't believe he did that to her. Doesn't he know how special she is? She's so much more than what he deserves. And she thinks that she's not good enough for him??!! I'm going to kill him!! That's my best friend he hurt. She doesn't deserve to be hurting like this." I yelled. Scott grabbed me, and pulled me back down to the chair.
"Liam, I know how much you care about her. Right now, she needs to have a couple people she can talk to that are going to keep her from going back to Stiles and to remind her how much she is worth. The rest of the pack isn't going to be happy when they hear what Stiles did, and they're going to take her side. We are going to be the ones that are there for her. She's definitely going to rely on you to make her feel better and to cheer her up. So that's what I want you to focus on." He said. I had calmed down and I was going to make sure she knew how much she was worth. I was going to be there for her while her shitty ex-boyfriend was making out with another girl. I promised I would always be there for her, and I'm going to be.
"He's such an idiot! Doesn't he see what he lost? He lost the most beautiful, kindest, sweetest, funniest, most brilliant, bestest girl in the world." I said, completely in shock as to how Stiles could have done this to her.
"I know Liam. I don't know what's going on with Stiles, but I don't want him near her, so you and I are gonna make sure she sees him as little as possible, and when she has to, we're gonna keep her distracted." Scott said, smiling at me.
"Okay!" I said, feeling good about the plan. Suddenly the door opened and in came Melissa and Y/N.

You finished your x-ray and you did have a severely sprained ankle. You were out of gym for the rest of the year. Melissa wrapped it and wheeled you back to your hospital room.

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