Imagine for LinaGilinsky

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"Lina!" I heard someone yell. I shot up just in time to get hit with freezing cold water by none other than my older brother Scott. 

"SCOTT! I'M GONNA  KILL YOU!" I yelled, shooting out of my bed. He ran out of my room, and he ran until I tackled him down in the hallway. 

"LINA! SCOTT! Be careful you two, unlike the both of you, it doesn't have supernatural healing." Our mom, Melissa yelled up.

"Sorry mom!" We chorused. I stood up off of Scott and offered him a hand up. He took it and I pulled him up. Scott and I started to get ready for school, and then finally we left to, what would become one of the most eventful and fearful days of my life. It was free period when Stiles said he had to go check on something with Parrish and Theo. I ran down to the track to run a couple miles. I made sure I took my phone for music and to keep track of time so I wouldn't be late for class. I got through about a mile, when I started getting extremely dizzy. I felt like my body was on fire, and I had been hit by a wrecking ball. I called Scott, to tell him where I was so that he could come and get me. After I hung up the phone I got an overwhelming urge that I needed to find Stiles. He was in trouble and he needed help. When Scott got back to me, I told him what was going on and he put me on his bike. I tugged on his jacket whenever we needed to turn and eventually we ended up in the empty parking lot of a warehouse. I immediately threw off Scott's bike helmet and started looking around. What I saw, stopped my heart in my chest. Stiles' jeep was flipped over on its top, and it was on fire. I shifted into my wolf form, and ran over to the jeep. I tried to push it over on its wheels, when I realized that Stiles was still in the jeep. I busted out the rest of the window, and pulled him through. I didn't really care about myself getting hurt as long as Stiles was okay. I shook and thrashed him, trying to get him to come back into consciousness. Finally, he opened his eyes.

"Lina....what happened?" He whispered, looking around. I couldn't help myself and I reached down and hugged him. 

"I'm so glad you're okay. I thought I was gonna lose you." I whispered into his hair. I checked him over for injuries. He had a couple of cuts, and a slight burn on his shoulder, but overall he was in great shape compared to what could have happened.

"Stiles, who did this?" I asked, looking around for any idea of anyone being there.

"Theo. He attacked me and flipped my Jeep, he said something about being the only Alpha." Stiles said, trying to push himself up to a sitting position. I leaned down and put my hand under his back to help him up.

"THEO DID THIS? I'M GONNA KILL HIM!" I roared. I felt my claws elongate and I moved them from Stiles' back so that I wouldn't scratch him. My face was burning hot and I was seeing red. I quickly stood and ran off. I caught wind of Theo's scent and followed it. It led me to an underground tunnel. There were wires, and water, which was a pretty dangerous combination. It smelled like electricity, you know that static-y smell that you get if there's a lot of humidity somewhere? Yeah that smell. I could still smell Theo pretty strongly, and I followed the scent until I could see him. I ducked down behind some boxes that were in the room. I listened in on the conversation he was having. 

"She's a huge threat to us, if we hurt everyone close to her, she'll have no choice but to surrender." Someone said.

"No, what we need to do is make her think that everyone on her side betrayed her. That way, she'll want to get back at them. She'll completely turn on them, and she'll be so powerful that they won't be able to stop her. Why do the work ourselves when we can get someone else to do it for us. Then, when we're done with her, we can kill her." The voice I recognized as Theo said. I got extremely angry. I had to try to calm myself down, so that I wouldn't give myself away. I waited until the other people left, I pushed my head up enough so that I could see, and I saw that Theo was the only one left. I made some noise by tossing a rock outside, so that he would go after it. He did.

What an idiot I thought to myself. I shook my head and I followed him outside. I snuck up behind him and jumped him from the back. He screamed and tried to fight me off. I put him in a headlock, until I could get him on the ground and I could straddle him. 

"Lina McCall?" He said, finally noticing who it was. 

"That's right you prick. Lina McCall. If you don't remember, you attacked my mate earlier tonight. I'm here to get revenge for him." I said, my eyes shifting and my claws and fangs elongating. 

"I thought your brother didn't do revenge?" Theo asked, with a shit-eating grin on his face. 

"Good thing I'm not my brother then." I said. I raised my hand, pulled my claws back into my fingers, and formed a fist. I brought it down hard enough to break bones. I heard a crack in his nose, and it only encouraged me to keep going. I was blinded and deafened by fury. I faintly heard someone calling my name.

"Lina...Lina....LINA!" I finally heard, as I was being pulled away from Theo. I blinked a couple times and realized that Theo was black and blue all over, with cuts, lumps, and blood dripping out of several of his facial orifices. I jumped up, and away from him.

"If I ever catch you attacking someone I love again, next time, you won't be this lucky." I said, flashing my eyes at him. He whimpered and squirmed away. Scott and Stiles started walking me away, and I looked down at my knuckles. They were bloody and cut open. I walked up to the bathroom when we got to the house, and I started to clean them out and sterilize them. I wrapped them in bandages and then changed into my pajamas. I snuggled up next to Stiles and Scott on the couch, and we all fell asleep together, happy that everyone was safe, for now at least. 

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