What He Does To Cheer You Up

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Scott: He takes you to Deaton's Animal Clinic so that you can play with the puppies and kittens.

Stiles: He cracks a bunch of jokes and makes silly faces until you are dying with laughter.

Liam: He tickles you until you are red in the face and have gone into silent laughter.

Jackson: Jackson will bring you pretty much anything from food, candy, and movies. One time he even got you new clothes.

Isaac: Isaac takes you on a nice walk through the forest, and at the end he will pick you up and carry you to your bed, where you two cuddle and fall asleep next to each other.

Derek: He "accidentally" falls all over the place and trips over things, and then stands up quickly to let you know he isn't actually hurt. You tend to laugh when people fall or trip, after making sure they're not actually hurt of course.

Theo: Theo will take you on a random outing, like the movies or out to eat, just to get your mind off of everything that happened, and he usually spills something just on himself so that you laugh.

Aiden: Aiden will take you for a ride on his motorcycle. You love the thrill of speed and you love the wind...plus getting to be close to Aiden usually does a pretty good job of cheering you up on its own. 

Brett: He takes you to the Devenford Prep. lacrosse field and you two watch stars all night. He brings his iPod so that you two can listen to music. When you fall asleep, he carries you back to his car and takes you home, and he falls asleep right next to you in a chair next to your bed.

HEY GUYS I GOT MY FIRST REQUEST FOR AN IMAGINE TODAY AND I AM SO EXCITED TO HAVE ALREADY PUBLISHED IT!! I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT ANOUSKA!!!! I also hope all of you lovely readers are liking the book so far. If you guys have any ideas for preferences or general imagines, or if you want to request a personal imagine, I'd love to hear them and you guys can message me or comment on the story!! Thanks so much for the 129 reads in just two days!!! You have no idea how happy that makes me. Alright, thanks for reading, my lovelies!!! BUBBLEBEAR

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