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I woke up and threw my hand over the alarm clock that was incessantly ringing beside me. When the ringing stopped, I looked at the time. 6:45, time to get up for my first day at my new school.

"Hannah!! Time to get up! I've got breakfast down here for you when you're ready!" My mom yelled out.

"I'm up! Thank you!" I said, throwing the covers off of my body. I stood on the floor and ran over to the bathroom. I quickly showered, shaved, and did all of my daily hygienic routine. I went back to my room with a towel wrapped around my body and my hair. I grabbed a red lacy bra and some red and white striped underwear with red lace trim. It was December 15th after all, almost time for Christmas break at my new school. I put those on, and then walked over to the closet and grabbed a red dress with a black furry collar. (Search "Christmas Dresses" on google images.) I also grabbed some black pantyhose and my black high heels. I slipped those on, and went back to the bathroom to style my hair and do my make-up. I decided to curly my long blonde hair, and I put on some black eyeliner, black mascara, red lipstick with a clear vanilla flavored coat of lip gloss, and some black eye shadow mixed with silver sparkles. I painted my nails red with Christmas trees on them. When I was finally satisfied with my appearance, I went back to my room, grabbed my book bag, and went downstairs to get breakfast.

"Well, don't you look gorgeous?" My dad asked, seeing me walk into the kitchen.

"Thanks dad!" I said, sitting down at the table which already had an orange and a plate of my mom's homemade chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup on it, ready for me to eat. I grabbed a glass of milk and sat back down to eat. When I was finished, I stood up, took my dishes to the sink, and grabbed my book bag.

"Thanks guys! Love you! Gotta get going or I'm going to be late!" I said, already making my way out of the kitchen.

"Wait, honey! Let me get a picture of you before you leave. You look so pretty!" Mom said, following me with her phone.

"Okay." I said, turning back around and standing in front of the door. There was a little snow outside, so it was probably a good background. I saw the flash on her camera go off, and I smiled.

"Oh, you look so beautiful! Alright, go ahead and get to school. Don't forget to go to the office and get your guide." Mom yelled, as I ran out to my car. I pulled out of the driveway in my black 2012 Mustang. I quickly drove over to the school, and pulled in beside a silver Toyota. A red headed girl and a black haired girl got out of the car. I got out of my car, locked the door, and threw the keys into my bag.

"Oh my gosh, I love that dress! Where did you get it?" The red-headed girl asked me, coming over.

"Oh thanks! My mom was a buyer in Texas, so I usually get my clothes from one of her stores." I said, fussing with the hem.

"It's official, you, are our new best friend." The red head said.

"Okay, what are your names?" I asked, surprised that I already had two friends.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Lydia Martin, and this is Allison Argent. Come on, we'll introduce you to our friends." The red head, apparently named Lydia, said.

"Okay." I said, following them into the school. They took me to their MPR where a group of people were sitting.

"Okay everyone, this is... sorry I didn't get your name." Lydia said.

"I'm Hannah." I said.

"This is Hannah, she's gonna hang out with us. She's new here." Lydia said, introducing me. Everyone seemed really nice. There was a boy with dark hair and dark brown eyes, who kept staring at me.

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