Imagine for MagicalMoments32

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"Izzy! Hey Izzy!" My boyfriend, Stiles yelled. He ran up to me as I was walking down the hallways of Beacon Hills High School. 

"Hey Stiles!" I said, as he got up next to me. 

"What's up? Do you wanna maybe hang out after school today? We could go see a movie, or we could grab some ice cream?" He asked. 

"Umm, I might have a study session with Isaac, you know how much he needs my help." I said, feeling guilty. 

"Izzy, you know how much I don't like you hanging out with Isaac. He's always flirting with you, and he's a bad boy. He changes girls like you. PLUS HE'S GOT A THING FOR YOU!" Stiles said, grabbing my wrist.

"Well you know what, if you don't trust Isaac and I, why don't you come? That way you can be sure I'm not being changed." I said, becoming defensive. 

"I will. I'm going to prove to you that Isaac has a thing for you, and that he's flirting." He said, storming off. I felt my face turn red, and then morph into its cat form. I'm a supernatural hybrid of a wolf and a cat. I have two faces, a wolf and a cat, but I have all the abilities of both. I am fast, I can track scents, I have warm fur, I can climb, I've got hooked claws, I'm quiet, and I can roar so loud that I can bust out windows. I ran into the bathroom and washed my face with water. I calmed down enough to go back to class. I walked in right before the bell rang, and sat down in my seat. 

"Close call there Isabel. Next time be more observant of time." Coach Finstock said. 

"Yes sir." I said, pulling out my notebook. The day dragged on like normal until finally it was time to go home. Stiles followed me along to get Isaac and then we all went back to my house. Stiles got a text from Scott, and had to leave. I was in the bathroom, when I came back to hear Stiles threatening Isaac that if, while he was gone, Isaac tried anything, Stiles was going to, and I quote, "turn his furry little werewolf ass into a coat and give it to Isabel as a birthday present." Isaac was freaking out when I came back into the room. I walked over to the bed, and tapped Stiles on the shoulder. 

"Don't you have somewhere to be Stiles? You don't get to threaten him, you know what he's been through. Get out!" I yelled, way past my point of tolerating anger. 

"Isabel, don't you see? He's changing you, he's turning you against me!" Stiles yelled, grabbing onto my wrist. 

"Stiles get out! It's pretty obvious you don't trust me, even though I have never given you the slightest idea that I would leave you for Isaac. Just go, until you can learn to trust me, and you can get over your painfully obvious jealousy of Isaac." I said, fuming with rage. Stiles walked out, looking extremely guilty. I sat down next to Isaac.

"I'm sorry about him Isaac, he is just really protective of me, and he thinks you're flirting with me and that you have a thing for me. It's really nothing against you, I promise." I said, running my hand through his curls. 

"Well, he's not entirely wrong, I do have a thing for you, but I would never take you away from Stiles. I know that you're happy with him, and I just want you to be happy." Isaac said, looking down. 

"Isaac, that is so sweet. I'm sure Stiles will come around eventually. Let's get to studying." I said, pulling out my notebooks. We studied pretty much all afternoon until Isaac had to get back to Derek's. 

"Alright, bye Isaac." I said, hugging him quickly.

"Bye Isabel!" He said, hugging back and then leaving. About twenty minutes later I heard a knock at the door, and I went down to open it. Stiles stood there, in the rain, with a bouquet of roses in his hand. 

"Isabel, can I come in?" He asked, looking at me pleadingly.

"Sure, come on in." I said, opening the door to him. He stepped in and put his coat on the hanger by the door. 

"Isabel, I'm so sorry. I was just scared of losing you. I love you, and you are the best thing that has even happened to me. I don't want someone like Isaac, let me rephrase that, anyone, I don't want anyone to steal you from me. I do trust you, I promise, but I got scared that I was going to lose you. Can you ever forgive me?" He asked, giving me puppy dog eyes. 

"Of course I can Stiles, but I need you to do something for me." I said.

"Thank god! What is it, I'll do anything." He said. 

"I need you to apologize to Isaac, you really shook him up." I said, remembering Isaac's face.

"Of course! I will do that in person tomorrow. In all honesty, I think you, Isaac, and I could be really good friends. Imagine how many pranks we could pull on everyone." He said, drifting off into his prank mindset. 

"Yeah, we would be able to do a lot. Why don't we go upstairs and get you dried off, and then we can watch a movie or something?" I said, leading him upstairs. 

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