Imagine for fanficgirl107

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Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry that this has taken so long, but it's finally going up now. I've had a really hard time with the plot scheme, along with some other things, but inspiration has hit, so I'm going to use it.

It was 4:30 in the afternoon when I walked up to the door of my cousin's house. Something happened to my parents, and they aren't with us anymore, so I get to stay with my uncle and my cousin since I haven't seen them for about 2 years. I knocked on the door, and a familiar head of copper brown hair with the flip up front.

"Oh my gosh Lauren!!!! How are you?" Stiles said, pulling me into a hug.

"Hi Stiles!! I'm fine, how are you? You've shot up over the past 2 years, and check out those muscles, lacrosse must really be paying off." I said, punching him in the shoulder. Stiles and I were best friends before I moved away from Beacon Hills. My parents got jobs as professors at Stanford, so we moved away from Beacon Hills to the urban part of California. We still talked all the time, so I knew about all the supernatural stuff that went on around here, and especially his time as the Nogitsune.

"I'm great Lauren!! Especially now that Mr. Evil Fox has gone away. Come in, dad's at work, but he's been dying to see you ever since your parents called." He said, pulling me into the house. The door shut behind me, and I went into the living room.

"Oh my gosh, it's just like I remember it. YOU GUYS STILL HAVE THE OLD BOOKCASE?!?!?!?!" I screamed, running over. This thing was like a mountain when I was a kid. I mean, I'm only 16 now, but when I was like 7 I used to think about climbing this thing to the top. I looked for my favorite book that Stiles and I used to read together. It was still on the shelf, 2 from the top, and 5 books in. I stood on my tiptoes and brushed the spine. Some dust left the spine onto my fingers instead.

"Yes Lauren, no way would we get rid of that thing. We all love it. Now come on, I'll show you to your room, and then we can go meet some of my friends if you want. They'll love you, I promise." He said, knowing how shy I was around new people.

"Okay, I guess." I said, nervously. I followed him up the stairs to the room second door on the right.

"Alright, here you go Lauren. Plus my room is right next door, so if you need anything, just come on over." He said, opening the door to "my" room. It was light purple with a couple windows, a big closet, a t.v, and a nice dark purple and black comforter. I set my suitcase and duffel bags onto the bed.

"It is so great having you here, Lauren. I feel like I've missed everything. I missed your sixteenth birthday! We can catch up, do all the things we used to do when we were little, I'm so excited!" Stiles said, hugging me again.

"I'm excited too Stiles!! I can't believe I missed your eighteenth birthday!" I said, starting to shuffle through my bags for an outfit to wear to meet Stiles' friends.

"Alright, so are you ready to go meet the guys?" Stiles asked, eagerly.

"Yeah, let me just change my clothes and brush through my hair and I'll be ready." I said, pulling out a pair of red skinny jeans, a gray Nirvana t-shirt, and some beige ankle boots with studs. I brushed through my thick wavy hair and added a red beanie the same color as my jeans. Stiles left so I could change, and I started to strip down. I got dressed quickly, and then exited the room.

"Okay Stiles, I'm ready!" I said, walking down the stairs. He was waiting for me at the bottom.

"Alright, let's go!! My friends await!" Stiles said, with big arm motions.

"Do you still have Roscoe???" I asked, as we walked outside.

"Of course!! I never leave my baby behind." He said, opening the passenger door for me, and letting me use his shoulder to push myself up.

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