Isaac Imagine for Anouska

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You walked down the halls of Beacon Hills High School, looking for your best friend Isaac. You two had known each other practically since birth. Of course, you knew about his werewolfiness, so you suspected that maybe him being missing for the past 3 days had something to do with that. As you were walking past the front entrance, you saw a familiar curly blonde head. You waited until he came inside and turned to go to his locker. You followed behind him like a ninja and right when he hunched over slightly you jumped on his back yelling
"ISAAC!" He freaked out for about 2 seconds until he realized who it was.
"Anouska!!! I missed you!" He turned around to hug you.
"I missed you too! You missed our Marvel movie night! Where were you?" You asked, still ecstatic to see your best friend.
"I was helping Derek take care of a little problem with a certain fiendish lizard." He said, leaning back on his locker.
"Oh, what problem?" You said, leaning on the other locker. You both had a free period first hour, so you didn't have to worry about being anywhere.
"Well...we thought it was going to be in one place, but it wasn't, so we tried to track it. We couldn't find it anywhere." He said, nervously scratching the back of his neck.
"So you still don't know who, what, or where it is?" You asked, slightly freaking out.
"Don't freak out Anouska.. I would never let anything happen to you." He said, pulling you in close to him.
"I know." You said, snuggling into his jacket. You slightly inhaled his scent. It always managed to calm you down, its just something so familiar and slightly sexy about it. It was sort of musky and woodsy, with touches of cinnamon and vanilla. Those were from you, you two were constantly touching each other whenever you were around.
"How about we have Marvel night tonight at my house? I just got Captain America: Winter Soldier! We can christen it if you want?" You asked, eager to spend more time with him. No one knows this, but you have had a crush on Isaac for about 6 years now, but you never said anything because you don't want to jeopardize your friendship.
"I have a training session after school with Derek, but after that I'm totally free!" He said, looking excited.
"Awesome! I'll pick up some snacks after school. You can sleep over if you want. Mom and dad won't care." You said, starting to blush.
"Cool! I'll see you then." He said, leaning over.
Oh my god is he going to kiss me?? You thought to yourself. He ruffled your hair and started to walk away.
"Damn it!" You whispered to yourself. You started to walk towards the entrance so you could go drive to a coffee shop.


Isaac was supposed to be here any minute. You had showered, put up your hair, and gotten comfy in your cute pink tank top and black, gray, white, and pink plaid pajama shorts. You heard a thump from downstairs and you assumed it was Isaac.
"I'm upstairs! Come on up!" You yelled, sticking your head out of the door. You waited for about 5 minutes, no one came up, and you didn't hear anything else. You slipped on your Converse and carefully went down the stairs.
"Isaac?" You called out softly. Once again, no response. You grabbed the gun off the top of the movie cabinet and held it out in front of you. You flipped the safety off on the gun and put your finger over the trigger. You tiptoed into the kitchen, and heard a sort of hissing sound. Maybe you left the water running or something. You looked at the faucet and the water wasn't running. You heard a thump from directly behind you. You whipped around and saw the kanima. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!" You screamed. You put the gun back in front of you and tried to shoot, but your hands were shaking so badly that you couldn't even aim. It took advantage of your fear, and whipped its tail around to knock the gun out of your hands. You started to back up and got ready to run, but the kanima was faster. It wrapped its tail around your ankle and pulled you to the ground hard. Your head hit the floor hard enough to stun you and cause dark spots in your vision. Right as the black was about to overtake you, you saw a familiar blonde werewolf push the kanima out of the way, followed by a black haired wolf and a brown haired wolf. Isaac leaned down and said
"Anouska! Stay with me! C'mon!" You passed out.
****time lapse about an hour later***
You began to wake up, slowly. You felt a hand in yours and a voice was whispering
"I'm so sorry Anouska...I promised I would never let anything bad happen to you. I never got to tell you how I feel about you." The voice, said sounding as if it was crying. You felt a wetness on your hand.
"I love you, Anouska. Please, please wake up." You recognized the voice, and opened your eyes, slowly. The voice had belonged to Isaac and when he saw you he looked ecstatic.
"Anouska! Thank god, I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you!" He said, kissing your hair and hugging you.
"Isaac, I heard what you said." You said, grabbing his hand.
"Oh, I understand if you don't feel the same, I ju-" You cut him off.
"Isaac I love you too!" You said, squeezing his hand.
"Really?? This is great!! I can't believe it!!" He said, face still close to yours. You took a risk and leaned up and kissed him.
"Woah!" He said when you pulled back for air.
"Sorry, I just...wanted to do that for a long time." You said blushing.
"Its okay, believe me." He said, pulling you in for another kiss.

I hope you like it Anouska. I couldn't think of a nickname for you, so I just stuck with your full name! I really enjoyed writing this for you! If you ever want another one, just message me or comment on the story! Hopefully, you'll let me know what you think. Can't wait to hear from you again.

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