Scott Imagine for criminalminds_312

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I woke up and turned over to the window. I saw that there was snow everywhere. I pulled up my phone and saw that my mom had texted. She was working the early shift at the hospital with Melissa McCall, my boyfriend's mom. It said that school had been cancelled for today and tomorrow which meant Christmas break now had two extra days. We now had the 18th to the 4th off. I immediately cheered, and then debated whether or not to get out of bed. I had an awesome idea after that. Scott could come over and we could have a movie day, and I could ask mom if he could spend the night. My mom was pretty cool with Scott and I, she knew we weren't going to do anything, so we pretty much could do anything that didn't include breaking my mother's trust or Ms. McCall's. Our moms were good friends, so they always talked and knew what was going on. I called mom.

"Hey mom." I said. 

"Hey Kailey, what's up?" She asked.

"I was wondering if Scott could come over today so we could watch movies, and then maybe could he spend the night since we're on Christmas break now?" I asked, in my most amazing daughter ever voice. 

"Sure, you know my rules though, no sex, and nothing I wouldn't be comfortable with you doing." She said.

"Yes! Thank you mom. I love you." I said, starting to get up and stretch. 

"You're welcome honey! Love you too, have a good day off." She said, and hung up. I immediately got out of bed, and pulled up Scott's number on my phone. I called him, and he answered. 

"Hello?" He asked, his voice still sexy from sleep. 

"Hey baby!" I said, stretching. 

"Hey Kailey, am I late for school again?" He asked, suddenly becoming much more alert. 

"No, look outside!" I said, excitedly. 

"OH MY GOD SNOW! ARE WE CANCELLED?" He asked, like a little kid.

"Yep! For the rest of the week. We are officially off for Christmas break. I already called mom and asked if you could come over today, guess what she said?" I said. 

"What did she say?" He asked. 

"She said yes! She also said that you could spend the night if you wanted." I said, starting to remake my bed. 

"Awesome, when do you want me to come over?" He asked, sounding like he was getting up. 

"Umm, you could come over in like an hour so that I have time to get ready, and then I could make some breakfast, and we could watch movies all day, and we could play in the snow. You might wanna bring some extra clothes if we are gonna play in the snow." I said, folding the sheets over my comforter. 

"Alright baby, I'll see you in a little while." He said, blowing me a kiss through the phone. 

"Alright baby, I love you." I said, kissing back. 

"Love you too!" He said. I ran into the bathroom to start getting ready. I stripped down really quickly and got into a nice hot shower. I washed my hair with vanilla shampoo and pistachio conditioner. I also found a spiced body wash last week that was in season, so I decided to use that instead of my normal body wash. I quickly rinsed all the stuff out of my hair and off of my body. I turned on the heater when I stepped out and wrapped my towel around me. I quickly sat on the toilet seat and started to shave my legs and under my arms. I put my long hair up in the towel twirly thing and walked over to the sink and wet my blue clear toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. I brushed my teeth and then I pulled my hair out of its towel. It layed down wavy against my shoulders. I blow dried it and brushed it until it was just wavy enough to be where I wanted it. I left it alone and then went out to my bedroom. I got into my drawers and picked out a red bra with white candy cane stripes and the same type of underwear with red lace at the edges. I slipped into those, and then walked over to my closet to pick out a cute outfit. I realized I should just wear some really cute pajamas. I walked back over to the dresser and pulled out a cute pair of red fuzzy pajama shorts with little reindeer on them, that showed off my long tan legs, and I also put on a cute white sweater. You couldn't see my bra through it though. I gathered all the extra fuzzy blankets and big pillows that I could find, and I hauled them downstairs. I ran into the bathroom, put on some light pink vanilla cupcake lip gloss, Scott's favorite, and some Between Us perfume. I also tied my hair up in a ponytail with a cute red ribbon I had from cheer camp awhile back. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked really cute. I sat down on the couch and waited for Scott to come to the house. About ten minutes later I heard a knock at the door, and I went to get it. It was Scott of course.

"Scotty!" I yelled. I ran to jump on him for a hug, but he caught me around the waist, and twirled me around.

"Hey baby girl!" He said, setting me back down. He was in his lacrosse sweats and his hoodie. He took out his other hoodie from behind his back and I squealed. I loved his hoodies, they were like dresses on me. He handed it to me and I immediately put it on.

"I love seeing you in my hoodies." He said, snuggling into my neck. I tried to squirm away, because it tickled, but he just pulled me in tighter.

"Scott *squeal* let me go or I'm not making you my peppermint hot chocolate." I said, trying to get him to let go.

"Fine." He said, letting me go with a big smile on his face. I headed towards the kitchen to find breakfast.

"Kailey, I brought donuts from that place you like. Don't worry about making breakfast princess." He said, setting the box down in the living room.

"Scott! That's so sweet. I'll just make us some peppermint hot chocolate and then we can watch movies." I said, going into the kitchen. I grabbed the milk and put it into a pot to warm it up. As soon as it was ready, I dumped in the hot chocolate mix, a few mini marshmallows, and then I took two peppermint sticks out of a jar mom had and put them in the hot chocolate. I took the two mugs out to the living room, where Scott was already unloading our Christmas movies. Scott and I had been dating since 5th grade, so he knew where everything was. He held up some movies

"Which do you wanna watch first?" He asked.

"Let's watch the Santa Clause series." I said, feeling slightly sentimental at the old movies.

"Okay!" He said, putting it in the DVD player, setting the other two on top. He came over to the couch and sat right next to me. I snuggled up next to him immediately, and he pulled the blankets up over us. We watched the movies all snuggled up and sharing light kisses all through the movies. We munched on the glazed donut holes that Scott brought for breakfast and we sipped on the peppermint hot chocolate that I made. Whenever we kissed, I could taste the light sugar from the donuts, the peppermint from the hot chocolate, and the mi

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