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Scott: He's not big on PDA, unless he catches some other guys looking at you. Then, he's all over you.

Stiles: He loves PDA, he was shocked he got you in the first place, and now, he wants to make sure that everyone knows how lucky he feels to have you.

Liam: He just likes to pull you in for the occasional kiss on the forehead or cheek, or a hug when you're cold.

Isaac: He's so shy. He doesn't like PDA unless another guy is being too pushy on you.

Jackson: He loves carrying you piggy-back or bridal style all over, piggy-back especially at school.

Derek: Only the occasional hug or soft kiss in public.

Aiden: ALL PDA ALL THE TIME!! He loves showing other guys that you are his and his only. No one interferes in your relationship

Theo: For some reason, you two dance in public when you're walking. He will swing you out and pull you back in and then you'll hug and kiss.

Brett: Neither of you are big on PDA, so unless there's flirting from other people to either of you, you both avoid it.

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