Imagine for VoidAlpha

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I was walking down the halls of Beacon Hills, looking for my best friend Scott. Finally I spotted him talking to the new girl Kira. He put his arm around her and then he spotted me. He waved me over without removing his arm from around her. 

"Hey Daja!! Come here! You've met Kira, haven't you?" He asked, motioning to her. 

"Not personally, but I've heard a lot about you." I replied, trying not to wolf out and smash her face right there. 

"Oh, really? I've heard a lot about you too! Scott never stops talking about you." She said, in an almost sickeningly sweet tone. 

"Oh he doesn't? That's just like him, always trying to connect people. Well, I've got to run otherwise I'll be late for my next class." I said, trying to remove myself from the situation before I hurt someone.

"What's your next class?" Kira asked me.

"AP Biology, why?" I asked. 

"That's both of our next class too. We'll walk with you." She said, pulling Scott up next to me. 

"Oh, great!" I said, putting on a seemingly happy face. We all walked to the class together, and to no surprise, Scott and Kira sat together. Right. In. Front. Of. Me. 

Great, now I have to sit here and watch them be all lovey-dovey towards each other. I sat up and watched the board, trying not to pay attention to the two in front of me. Stiles came in late, with his arm in a sling, and handed the pass to the teacher. He sat down next to me. 

"What's up Daja?" He asked me. I looked over at him and he looked at me in shock.

"Daja, your eyes!" He whisper-yelled. I looked down at my cell-phone in my lap, and I saw that my eyes were glowing yellow. 

"Shit!" I whisper-yelled. I stood up and walked up to the teacher's desk to ask if I could go to the nurse, while keeping my head down. She said yes, and I ran out of the room. I ran straight to the girl's locker room, and looked at myself in the mirror. My teeth and nails were elongated, and my eyes were glowing yellow like radioactive waste. I jammed my claws into my hands and they started to drip blood. I felt my teeth go back to normal, along with my claws. I closed my eyes, and opened them again to realize they were their normal color. I looked down at my hands and jeans, and they were soaked in blood. I found my locker in the rows and did the combination. I pulled out another pair of jeans and my black and white striped fingerless gloves. I was wearing a black sweater anyways, so it matched. I went and washed my hands to get rid of any excess blood. I also took some gauze and cotton balls from my bag and put them over my hands to stop the bleeding. I got changed and went to the nurse, because I started to feel a little dizzy. I ran to her office, and when I came in, I felt the world start to spin and then I felt my head hit the floor, and black overcame my vision.

                                                                       SOME TIME LATER

I woke up to the sound of incessant beeping from hospital machines. My eyes opened, and immediately squinted, because of the bright light. I turned my head and saw Stiles and Lydia sitting in chairs next to my bed. 

"Hey, she's awake." Stiles said, getting up to call a nurse. 

"How are you feeling, Daja?" Lydia asked, getting me some water to drink. I slowly sat up and took the straw between my lips and started to sip. My throat was super dry, and I felt like I swallowed the Sahara desert. A nurse came in after Stiles and she checked my machines. 

"How are you feeling Ms. Daja?" She asked, removing the needle from my arm from my IV drip.

"I'm better now, thanks." I said, pulling myself up so that my back was against the pillows. 

"Alright, well you're free to go after we get you signed out. I'll be right back, I'm gonna get the paperwork." She said, leaving.

"Stiles, where's Scott?" I asked, hoping he wasn't where I thought he was.

"He umm, went somewhere with Kira. He told me to tell you that he's sorry he's not here, but he has something special planned for her. You don't have to berate him for it, Lydia, Malia, and I already did. I just don't understand how he doesn't see how you feel for him." Stiles replied. 

"Of course! He never sees it! I've been feeling this way ever since seventh grade! I don't just feel for him! I'M IN LOVE WITH SCOTT!! I'm just not good enough to get his attention! Whatever! I don't care!!" I yelled, my heart rate monitor starting to go crazy. A nurse and doctor came running in. 

"Ms. Daja, you have to calm down." The doctor said, turning off the monitor. 

"Sorry, just got worked up for a second. I'm fine. Where do I sign to get out of here?" I asked, pulling myself out of the bed. The nurse gave me the paperwork and I quickly signed out. I was ready to get out of there. As soon as I signed, they let me go. I took the bandages off from under my gloves, and I slipped my coat on. I guess Lydia thought I might need my coat. I walked out of the hospital with Stiles and Lydia right behind me. They suggested that we go to the movies and the diner, and I agreed. I felt like being with my friends might help me forget about the idiot. We walked into the theater and I saw a couple making out.

Jeezus! I came here to get away from stupid couples. I looked closer at who the couple was, and I realized it was Scott and Kira. I teared up, and ran out of the theater. 

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