Imagine for CaufieldLana2

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"Alex! Come downstairs or you're going to be late for school!" My older brother Derek yelled to me. 

"Coming sourwolf!" I yelled, using Stiles' nickname for him. I got dressed in a salmon top with frilled sleeves, jeans, white lace converse, and my black leather jacket. (Polyvore: Flowerwolf534 Alexandra Imagine) 

All of a sudden my phone went off and I got a text from Stiles. It read

"Hey Alex ;p, I wanted to ask if maybe you'd want to hang out today after school? I was thinking maybe we could catch that new movie you wanted to see?"

I got excited at the possibility of seeing Civil War, and hanging out with Stiles. I texted back

"Sure! Sounds great, right after school then? We could get dinner after the movie if you wanted?" 

He texted back right away.

"Sounds like a plan! How does Applebee's sound?" 

"Sounds great! See you when I get to school!"  I texted back, and put my phone in my pocket. 

I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and some leftover fruit salad that was in the fridge. I also grabbed a glass of orange juice. I quickly ate and put my bowl and glass in the sink. Derek grabbed his keys and I grabbed my bookbag, and we headed out the door to his FJ Cruiser. He quickly drove over to the school, and as soon as I got there, Stiles and Isaac ran up to me, and the pack followed them a few seconds later. 

"Hey Stiles, hey Isaac!" I said, going to hug them.

"Hey Alexandra!" Isaac said.

"Hey Alex" said Stiles.

"What are you two up to?" I asked, slinging my bookbag down onto a picnic table. 

"I just really wanted to see you today Alex. I was hoping maybe you'd want to hang out today after school?" Isaac asked. 

"Oh, Isaac, I'm sorry. Stiles already asked me, but maybe we could hang out tomorrow since its the weekend?" I asked, sadly.

"Yeah, yeah that sounds great." Isaac said, semi-dejectedly. I clapped him on the back and slowly rubbed my hand in a small circle. I heard the bell ring to signal us to go to class. Stiles and I had the same first class, so he grabbed my hand and pulled me away. 

"Bye guys! I'll see you at lunch!" I yelled as Stiles pulled me towards Mr. Harris' class. I had to drag him to my locker and get my stuff. 

"Hold on Stiles, let me just get my stuff. We still have plenty of time to get to class." I said, laughing slightly. 

"I know, I just want to make sure that we get to sit together. You are the best lab partner I've ever had, and the only one that can keep me on track. Harris hasn't yelled at me in a week!" Stiles said, enthusiastically. 

"Okay, okay!" I said, laughing. I grabbed my stuff, and followed Stiles into the classroom.

"Hello Stiles, Alexandra!" Mr. Harris said. 

"Good morning Mr. Harris." we said in unison. We went to sit at our normal table at the back of the room. Soon everyone started piling in and the bell rang. Mr. Harris started with his normal morning lecture, and before I knew it, the class was over. The day continued on in the same fashion, and before I knew it, the day was over. I ran out to Stiles' jeep, and he was there waiting for me. He opened the door for me, and then as soon as I was in, closed it. He ran around to the other side, and we were on our way to the movies. We got in line for our tickets, and we were in the theater. Stiles and I sat right in the middle, and we watched the movie. It was so great. We ran out of the theater, psyched up on the adrenaline from the movie. We headed down to Applebee's for a nice dinner.

"So, Alex, did you like the movie?" Stiles asked me. 

"Oh my goodness! It was so good, thank you Stiles!" I exclaimed. 

"It was my pleasure! I'm glad you had fun. Now, there's been something that I've been wanting to tell you for a long time." Stiles said, becoming serious.

"Okay, wh-" I was interrupted by an arm coming around my shoulder.

"Oh, hey Isaac!" I said, enthusiastically. He sat down next to me in the booth. 

"Hey Alexandra, hello Stiles! Funny running into you two here!" Isaac said. 

"Oh yeah, real funny!" Stiles said. We sat and talked for a little while, and I noticed the tension between the two, again.

"Okay you two! Why are you so tense around each other? If there is something going on, I think you should tell me now." I said. They debated for a little while, until they looked at me.

"Okay, Alex. We don't want this to ruin either of our friendships with you, but we both like you."

"I like you both too. That's how friendships work guys." I said, confused.

"No, I mean like-like. As in relationships." Stiles said.

"Oh, like that. Well, um, I can't say that I haven't thought about this before." I said, awkwardly. 

"We totally understand if you don't like either of us, or if you need to wait." They both said. 

"I know what I want to do. Isaac, can I talk to you outside, please?" I asked, nervously.

"Sure thing." Isaac said. He followed me outside, and I watched Stiles' eyes follow us outside.

"Isaac, I can't say I've never had thoughts about what we would do if we ever developed feelings for each other, not to mention if Stiles did too. I've had time to think about it, and...."

                                                                                STILES' POV

I was watching Alexandra and Isaac through the window. They were hugging, and Alexandra was smiling really widely. I guess that means Isaac is one lucky guy. I looked down, and then up again a few minutes later. Isaac was gone, and Alexandra was coming back in. Time to put on my happy face. 

                                                                               ALEXANDRA'S POV

", and... I just can't see us together. I love you as a friend and a brother, but I don't think that we have the connection that Stiles' and I have. I'm so sorry." I said, worried he would hate me.

"It's fine Alexandra, I just want you to be happy. Just know that if he hurts you, I will kill him." Isaac said. We hugged, and then he left. I stood for a little while and watched the stars. I decided to go back inside and tell Stiles' the good news. I walked in and sat back down at the booth. I saw Stiles' face and it was obviously straining to remain positive.

"Stiles, I need to tell you something." I said.

"I know you picked Isaac, i-" I interrupted.

"I pick you Stiles. I want to date you." I said, grinning at him. 

"Wa- What really?" Stiles asked. 

"Yes! Now, kiss me." I said.

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