Your First Kiss (Scott through Liam)

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Hey guys, disregard the other preferences that the topics show up in here, that I wrote earlier. Just for this one though. This is the way the scenarios played out in my head for this one, so it's how I had to write it.

Scott: Scott had finally asked you out!! You two had been dancing around each other for months now, and today he just rushed up to your locker, and started talking extremely fast.

"HeyY/NIwasjustwonderingifyouwantedtogoonadatesometimelikemaybetonight?" He asked, looking down at the floor.

"Woah, Scott, I can't even understand you, slow down! Now, what were you saying?" You asked, hoping he was doing what you thought he was doing.

"I was just wondering i-if maybe you wanted to go on a d-date tonight, with m-me?" Scott asked, blushing, and holding up a bouquet of your favorite flowers, pink peonies.

"Oh Scott, of course I will!" You said, hugging him and taking the flowers.

That is why you're sitting in your bedroom, ruffling through your clothes, trying to decide what to wear on your date with Scott, he said to dress warm, but comfortable too. You look through what you have laid out until you decide on a short white dress, fishnet tights, and a black and white knit cardigan. The only place that's cold in Beacon Hills during November is the ice-skating rink. Beacon Hills doesn't start to get cold until about mid-December, then it just freezes. You grabbed your white ice skates, and threw them into your bag. You went to your bathroom and put on some light pink lip gloss, light pink blush, and minty green eyeshadow. You put your Y/H/C hair into a messy braid, and then sprayed some Prada Tendre perfume. You walked out of the bathroom and slipped on your black winter boots, when there was a bang on the door.

"That must be Scott" You thought to yourself, as you descended the stairs. You looked at yourself one more time, and then you opened the door. Scott was standing there in some jeans, a polo shirt, and a gray jacket that made him look like a charming teenage boy that a mother approves of.

"Hey Y/N ready to go?" He asked, leaning against the door.

"Sure thing Scott. Let me just tell my mom I'm leaving." You said, stepping in the door quickly.

"BYE MOM!! SCOTT'S HERE!!!!! I'LL BE BACK BY ELEVEN!!!!!" You yelled up the stairs.

"Okay sweetie, be safe, don't do anything I wouldn't do!!" She yelled back. You blushed profusely, and quickly went outside with Scott.

"So when do I get to meet your mom and sister, Y/N?" Scott asked you, smirking.

"If that's what's gonna happen, hopefully never." You said, blushing, and pushing him towards his mom's car.

"Aww, don't be like that. My mom's the exact same way with me." Scott said, rubbing the back of his neck. You hopped on the back of his bike, and he handed you a helmet. You strapped it on tightly, and held onto him for dear life. You slightly inhaled his cologne, and it smelled earthy, but with a little hit of spice. You inhaled again, the scent was intoxicating and addicting. Before you knew it, you were at the ice-skating rink. Scott helped you take off your helmet, and then he helped you off the bike. Boyd was sitting at the entrance, waiting to unlock the door for you. You both jogged over to him, and Boyd handed Scott the keys. You two went inside, and immediately got ready to go on the rink. You slipped your ice skates out of your bag, and began to lace them up on your feet.

"Did you know we were coming here?" Scott asked, smiling.

"Scott, the ice rink is the only place it's cold in Beacon Hills this time of year." You said, standing perfectly in your skates.

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