Author's Note

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating a whole bunch. I promise I'm going to pick up more on this within the next week or two. They just rearranged our school schedule to where we get a thirty minute study hall in the middle of the day. So, I'm going to use it to try and write. If you guys have any preferences or imagines that you want, let me know! I'd love to write them for you. And to fanficgirl107, I'm still working on your imagine. It's taking me awhile to figure out the plot scheme, but it will be done soon. I promise. I'm so sorry it's taking me so long.

But on the bright side, this story is at 14.6K READS, 462 VOTES, and 47 COMMENTS!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!! You guys are absolutely amazing, and you guys are what are inspiring me to keep this story going!!! Thank you guys SOOOO much!!!

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