What You Guys Do For Your First Date

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Scott: You guys go to the cliff that overlooks all of Beacon Hills and have a picnic.

Stiles: You guys go to watch a double feature Marvel show at the theaters and then you get dinner at a cute little diner.

Liam: You two go to an arcade and do an all-night run of lasertag. You grab a 2 a.m. breakfast at a McDonald's.

Jackson: He takes you for a fancy dinner and then to a photographer's to get pictures taken.

Isaac: You and Isaac go to the carnival where he wins you a giant stuffed tiger. Then you two get bf/gf hoodies that say He's mine and She's Mine.

Derek: You and Derek stay in his apartment and you train, and then you two shower and go to your favorite little restaurant.

Theo: Theo takes you to the ice skating rink because you used to figure skate competitively when you were younger. You won a lot, so you were already fantastic, so you taught Theo how to skate and do some tricks.
Aiden: Aiden takes you to the park, and you two swing and chase each other like little kids.

Brett: You and Brett go for ice cream and you end up swiping it at each other's faces. (Scene from Letters to Juliet)

****Alright lovelies I'm stuck in an airport for a couple more hours, so more writing!!!! Yaaaaaay!!!!! 280 reads in 3 days!! I'm so excited!!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting and commenting!!! You guys are amazing!!! BUBBLEBEAR***

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