Your Time of the Month

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Scott: Scott takes away your pain and brings you your favorite mini chocolate cupcakes from the little bakery downtown.

Stiles: Stiles makes you warm tea, rubs your back, and reads to you. He always has pain relievers on your bedside table, and he makes sure that your cravings are covered by buying all of your favorites.

Liam: Liam is a little scared of you when you're on it. He still makes sure you're comfy and not craving anything, but other than that he kind of avoids you.

Isaac: Brings you your favorite flower, candy, food, and drink. He also brings over your favorite movies, and you two cuddle in bed all day.

Jackson: Jackson buys you your favorite ice cream, a giant stuffed animal, and he gives you his lacrosse hoodie, and he takes care of you all day.

Derek: Literally, leaves painkillers on your bedside table with a note. He avoids you all the time.

Aiden: Aiden takes you on a relaxing walk through the woods, then he takes you for ice cream. You fall asleep at his house and he watches over you.

Theo: Theo plays board games with you all day and then you two bake your favorite dessert together.

Brett: You two go on a little run and then you lay on the lacrosse field with chocolate covered strawberries and you two stargaze

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