Chapter 1

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"Yazmin wake up I have to go to work don't forget about Jaylay's new babysitter is coming over later", my mum yelled from downstairs.

"MHMM" I hummed in my pillow I looked at the clock 12:30. Well I guess you can say why am I sleeping in so long, well its the beginning of summer, wait babysitter! I ran down stairs trying to catch my mum before she left.

"Mum what new babysitter what happen to the other one" I asked tired.

"Oh yeah she left saying she cant take this" my mum rolled her eyes looking for her phone in her purse.

I don't blame her Jaylay is quite a hand full we probably went through like 5 babysitters in two weeks.

"Honey I have to go, see you guys later he'll be by later to babysit Jaylay". He? Well this is a new one a boy babysitter this would be fun snapping out of my thoughts I heard my brother running down stairs yelling " I'M A BIRD I'M A BIRD LOOK YAZMIN I'M A BIRD" rolling my eyes I pulled Jaylays shirt down from over his head.

"Jaylay go put some pants on and eat break-fest your babysitter would be here soon".

"I don't need a babysitter I'm a big boy". Jay protested.

"No your not your 9 now do what I tell you" I mumbled getting annoyed.

"FINE I'M GOING TO EAT BREAK-FEST AND PUT ON MY PANTS BECAUSE I WANT TO" Jaylay stated pointing a finger at me.

"Whatever" I hummed walking up the stairs into my room I threw on some skin tight black jeans, white converse, and a white tea shirt walking in my bathroom I brushed my teeth and put a little mascara on and eyeliner. Going down the stairs I heard the door bell ring he couldn't be here already its only 12:47.

"Who is it"

"Uh Harry the new baby sitter"

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