Chapter Nine: Movie night

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*Maya's P.O.V*

Since it was just me, my sister and Chris at our house we decided to just spend the rest of the night watching a movie. So while Katie picked out the movie we would watch (oh boy) I got the popcorn and drinks ready. And while we were doing that Chris called Scott over to come and watch the movie with us since I thought it would be a nice gesture and also because he's a good friend and I like spending time with both Evans boys especially Chris. 

After I got done getting the popcorn and drinks ready I brought them out to the living room and sat them down on the coffee table and was just about to sit down when there was a knock at the door. When I heard the knock at the door I quickly walked over to the door and answered it and was greeted by a smily Scott. 

"Hey Scott." 

"Hey Maya" Scott said as he came in and hugged me. 

I smiled at that before hugging him back. 

After we got done hugging we walked over to the couch and sat down on it. 

"So where is everyone else at?" Scott asked as he noticed the empty house.

"Oh Madison had her baby today so my mom took Lizzie and Zack to go see their new sister" I explained as I showed Scott a picture of my new niece.

"Aww, so Madison did have a girl after all" Scott said with a big smile.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p.'

"And what they name the new little cutie?" 


"Cute name" Scott stated. 

"I know right" I said as I snuggled into Chris' side. 

Chris looked down at me and smiled at me before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him before kissing the top of my head making me smile.

"Wow, when did this start happening?" Scott asked as he gestured to me and Chris' cuddle. 

"Uh..." That's when I did Scott everything that happened and the new about me being pregnant. 

"Whooaa" Scott whistled out as he look at me in shock. 


"Well" Scott faintly smiled at me "I bet you are going to become one amazing mother thanks to Chris, since he is good with kids after all."

I smiled and chuckled at that before nodding. "Thanks Scott."

"You're welcome M" Scott said before turning to Katie "So what movie are we watching tonight K?"

Katie turned around and faced us before placing her hands behind her back and letting a smirk spread across her face. Oh No.

"I was thinking we could watch a little movie called 'Not another teenage movie'" Katie stated "What do you say Chris want to watch it?"

"Yes!" me and Scott said in excitedly in unison.

"No, no, no you just want everyone to watch it so they can laugh and make fun of the scene where I have a banana in ass, but sorry I'm not going to let you do that K" Chris said as he crossed his arms and started to look a little mad. 

Katie gave Chris a dirty look before turning toward me and give me a 'help me out because we are sisters' look. I rolled my eyes at that and let out a sigh before looking at Chris and faintly smiling at him. 

"Chris-""Don't even try and convince me on letting you guys watch it Maya because it's not going to work I'm just telling you that now" Chris stated as he cut me off. 

Well damn someone's in a very bad mood. Just kidding. But anyway I faintly smiled at Chris again before letting out a sigh and saying, "Fine, but just to let you know I would have totally let you taken me out on a date if you let me and everyone else watch it." Chris shot his head around and looked at me in shock making me faintly smile at him. 

"But since you don't want us to watch it I guess-""No, no, no stop right there" Chris said cutting me off. 

I smiled at that but also felt really bad that I was going to make him watch it and get laughed at. Oh well he'll get over it if he takes me out on a date. 

"Would you really let me take you out on a date if I let you guys watch it?" Chris questioned.

God I feel so bad for doing this. But anyway I smiled at him before nodding my head, "Yep." 

Chris smiled nice and big at me before turning to Katie, "Katie play the damn movie right now!" Chris said or more like ordered making everyone lightly chuckle at me. 

Katie smiled at Chris before giving him a salute, "Eye, eye Captain!" 

After Katie popped the movie into the DVD player she flopped down on the couch and pressed play. And let me just tell you I don't think I have laughed any harder in my whole life then I just did while watching this hysterical. However I felt kind of bad for laughing at Chris because it made him look really embarrassed and I hate making him look embarrassed. But I will make it up to him when he takes me out on the date I promised him.

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