Chapter forty one: Character

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After dinner was done and eaten Chris, Scott and John went outside to hang up some lights on the house while the rest of us stayed inside where it was warm. And while Katie and Lisa got coffee or hot chocolate ready for the guys to drink when they came back inside I went upstairs with Ben to check my e-mail to see if Kevin sent me the script and information on my character yet. I smiled nice and big when I saw that he did before opening the email up and soon starting to read it.

Character name: Kira Coulson
Nickname/superhero name: Unique
Hair Color: Brown with blue dyed tips
Abilities: Power over the elements like water, earth, fire, air, metal, lava an electricity. Teleportation, telepathy an telekinesis. She's also trained in hand to hand combat and sword fighting.
Information: She's the secret daughter of Agent Phil Coulson. Kira found out she had powers when she was six thanks to her triggering them to protect herself and her father from someone trying to seriously hurt them. Phil kept his daughter a secret thanks to how dangerous his job is. And also thanks to if any enemy of SHIELD found out about his daughter and what she could Phil was afraid that they would try and capture her and use her and her powers as a weapon. Director Fury, Agent Maria Hill, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff are the only ones who know about Kira and her powers and have agreed to keep her a secret from all of SHIELD and the Avengers thanks to Phil's worries.
Thanks to Phil not wanting his daughter to be known by any SHIELD agent besides the four that already know about her or by any enemies of SHIELD, Coulson never let Kira join SHIELD thanks to that. But that didn't stop Kira from using her powers to help people who were in serious danger. Kira would hide in the shadows or in a mask whenever she saw people or knew when people were in serious danger. And that actually helped SHIELD in a lot of ways. However, that also made Phil even more worried about his daughter and her powers being found out. But Kira convinced her dad that she wouldn't let anyone or anything find out about her or her powers thanks to her knowing how worried and protective her father can be over her and also thanks to her respecting him and his wishes.
But when Kira found out her dad was 'killed' she decided to finally decided to try and join SHIELD to continue her father's legacy of stopping the enemy and saving peoples lives. It took awhile thanks to Fury not letting her thanks to him being protective over her as well like her father was. But when Fury saw that she would be fine and do good as an agent after he saw her help Clint and Natasha on a mission they ran into trouble on when back up couldn't get to them he finally let Kira become a SHIELD agent. But the secret about Kira being Coulson's daughter was still kept a secret from all the agents of SHIELD and also the Avengers.
Appearances: Kira will be in Avengers Age of Ultron and will also appear in and Episode of Agents of SHIELD called 'Coulson's secret.'
The episode will be kind of like an origin story for Kira so people can learn about her and her fathers relationship and what Kira can do. And at the end of the episode it will show Kira joining the Avengers so it can lead up to how she's going to be in Age of Ultron.

This is so cool!! I can't believe I'm actually getting the chance to play this character. She sounds freakin awesome! And I actually can't wait to work with Clark. I meet him when Chris invited me the set of the Avengers when they were filming it and let's just say me and him became good friends by the end of the day thanks to how goofy and funny we both are. And we both actually like to play pranks on people. So watch out Agents of SHIELD cast cause we might get you guys.

I continued to read on after that and learned that my character is actually going to be Steve's/Cap's new love interest in the movie. I think I now know why Chris sent that audition tape of me to Kevin.

I couldn't help but laugh at that before I squealed a bit when a pair of cold hands touch my shoulders.

I quickly turned around to yell at the person who just did that but stopped when I saw Chris stripped down to just his boxers, soaking wet and shivering.

"Why the hell are you just in your boxers and soaking wet?" I asked as I looked at Chris in shock.

"Me, Scott and John may or may not have just jumped into the pool with just our boxers on" Chris said as he continued to shiver.


"Because we thought it would fun" Chris stated with a goofy smile that I couldn't help but laugh at.

"And was it?" I asked with a light smirk.

"Nope" Chris said popping the 'p.'

I laughed at that before grabbing a blanket off of our bed and wrapping it around Chris. Chris smiled at me before wrapping his arms around me and pulling both Ben and me into a hug. Even though Chris' skin was freezing cold it was still good to hug him.

"Mommy....Da....Dddy...c-cold" Ben said.

I felt my eyes widen in shock before I pulled away from Chris a bit and looked up at him in shock.We both looked at each other in shock before looking down at Ben.

"Mommy, Da...ddy" Ben said smiling at the both of us.

I gasped in shock at that before looking at Chris as tears of joy started to form in my eyes. Chris just stood there in silence looking at Ben in shock for a few minutes before he smiled nice and big at Ben and took him from me.

"Daddy" Ben said as he smiled at Chris.

"Hi buddy" Chris said as tears filled his eyes before he kissed Ben on the forehead and hugged him.

As Chris hugged Ben he looked down and smiled at me as tears of joy fell down his face. I smiled at him before wrapping my arms around his neck and started to kiss him. Chris wrapped the arm he wasn't using to hold Ben with around my waist and pulled me closer to him as he started to kiss me back.

"Mommy, daddy....e-ew" Ben said making me and Chris pull away from each other and laugh a bit.

"Are you okay with him calling me that M?" Chris asked sounding a bit unsure.

I nodded my head as I smiled at him. "Yeah absolutely and like I said before you deserve to be his father because you are ten times the father Parker would have been."

Chris smiled at me before pecking my lips nice and quick and leaning his forehead against mine. "I love you M."

"I love you too Chris" I said as I rubbed my hands up and down his neck making him smile at me.

"And I love too Ben" Chris said before he kissed Ben on his forehead making him smile.

"Daddy" Ben said as he started to play with Chris' lips.

Chris laughed at that before he started to playfully but Ben's fingers with his lips making Ben giggle. I smiled at that as I watched Chris playing with Ben in enjoyment. And as I did that I couldn't believe Ben just called Chris that and I'm so happy and glad that Ben wants to call Chris that.

A/N) What did you guys think about Ben calling Chris Daddy? Tell me in the comment and don't forget to vote for this story. And I hoped you guys liked this chapter

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