Chapter Forty: Awesome news

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*Maya's P.O.V*

Me and Lisa were in the kitchen making dinner for everyone when Chris ran into the kitchen with his phone pressed against his ear. 

"She's right here Kevin, I'll give her the phone in just a second Kevin" Chris said before pulling his phone away from his ear. "Maya you remember who Kevin Feige is right?" 

"Yeah he's the producer for all the Marvel movies and I meet him once, so how could I not know who he is?" I asked. 

"Well then in that case he wants to talk to you about something that I think you might be very excited about" Chris said with a big smile as he handed his phone over to me. 

I frowned an eyebrow in confusion at that before taking Chris' phone and walking out of the room to talk to Kevin. 

"Hello" I said. 

"Is this miss Maya Stevens I'm talking too" Kevin asked with a big smile in his voice. 

I laughed at that before smiling. "Yeah it's me Kevin."

"How are you doing? I hear you have a baby now" Kevin said. 

"I'm good, and yeah I have a son now, actually, his name's Ben" I said. 

"Nice name and I saw pictures of him when he was first born and I gotta say he looked adorable" Kevin said. 

"Thank you" I said with a faint smile. 

"You're welcome, and hey I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining the Age of Ultron cast" Keven said with a big smile in his voice again. 

"Like as  a main character?" I asked a bit confused. 

"Yeah, Chris told you we were bringing in a few mew characters right?" Kevin asked. 

"Yeah he told me about that" I stated. 

"Well we already have some of the characters casted and we just need one more to be casted and I was wondering if you'd be interested in playing her, so are you?" Kevin asked sounding a bit hopeful. 

"Uh yeah....I would love too. But don't I have to do an audition for the role first?" I asked a bit confused. 

"No not really because a while back ago Chris sent me a video of you auditioning for some kind of role that I guess you didn't get, but I thought you did great and thanks to that I'm offering you this role" Kevin stated. "So what do you say? Want to be part of the Marvel family miss Steve?"

I felt a big excited smile spread across my face and couldn't believe that this was happening. I've always wanted to act in a movie thanks to how fun Chris makes it look. And now thanks to him and Kevin it's finally happening. 

"I would love too" I said with a big smile. 

"Great, I'll e-mail you the script and info on your character soon, okay?" Kevin said. 

"Okay sounds good" I said. 

"Good and I'm going to go so see you later bye" Kevin said

"Bye Kevin" I said before him and I both hung up. 

After we hung up I couldn't but smile in excitement at what just happened and I couldn't believe that just happened as well. Never in a million years did I ever think that I would get the chance to star in a movie especially a Marvel movie. But again thanks to Chris and Kevin I'm getting that chance and I can't wait to do it. 

"So how'd the call go" Chris asked with a light smirk in his voice as he came up behind me before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him. 

I smiled at that before turning around to face him. "I think you know the answer to that question already mr. Evans." 

Chris chuckled at that before smiling at me. "Are you excited about it then?" 

"Very, and thanks for doing that for me" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

"You're welcome and you deserve the chance to do this you're good at acting" Chris said as he smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my lower back. I've acted before and that was when me and Chris were in high school when we did the school plays together. But when I got older I got to act in some television roles and movie roles. However they weren't that big, they were roles where I only had a few lines in them and then I'd be done or they were basically be cameos too. I actually got to do a few cameos in Captain America the First Avengers and the Avengers. That's how I got to meet Kevin Feige. And I also got to meet and become good friends with the cast of the Avengers and Hayley Atwell and Sebastian Stan. So I guess I won't be nervous on the first day of shooting considering that I already know everyone. 

I smiled back at Chris before pecking his lips nice and quick making him smile at me before he pecked my lips back. 

I smiled at Chris again before we both walked back into the kitchen to help Lisa finish making dinner for everyone. 

A/N) So what did you guys think about the news Maya just received? Did you guys like it? I hoped you did. And Khbhmh books actually inspired me to do this. They're really good so you guys should go check them out when you can because they're really good and she's a really good author. And again I hoped you guys liked this chapter

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