Chapter Twenty Eight: News Report

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*Maya's P.O.V*

Me and Chris were suggled up on the couch watching TV when my phone buzzed.

When my phone buzzed I leaned forward and grabbed it before leaning back into Chris and turning my phone on to see that it was text from Katie saying-

"You might want to turn on the news! Like now!"

I frowned and eyebrow in confusion at that before looking up at Chris and showing him the text. He frowned an eyebrow in confusion as well when he read it before he grabbed the remote and turned the TV to the news. And as soon as he did we both looked at the TV in shock when we saw a picture of me, him and Ben walking in and out of the hospital being showed on the news before we started to listen in on the report.

"Last week famous actor Chris Evans, star of the Avengers was seen walking in and out of a local hospital in Boston, MA with a young woman and adorable baby boy. Reporters say that Evans and the woman were holding hands and occasionally kissing each other while Evans carried the baby in his carrier towards the hospital. And its unknown at the moment, but could this be Chris Evans secret new family?" The news report said.

Me and Chris both let out groans in annoyance before looking at each other. Chris sheepishly looked at me before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into him beofe kissing the top of my head.

"I'm sorry about that M" Chris said as he rubbed his hands up and down my back.

I wrapped my arms around him and looked up at him before faintly smiling at him. "It's fine Chris, I know you didn't want that to happen, but we both knew something like this would happen at one point."

Chris let out a low sigh before running his hand through his hair. "I know, but I didn't want it to happen so soon" he stated.

"Me either...." I placed my hand on Chris' cheek and lightly rubbed it. "But we don't have any control over stuff like this, so we just have to let stuff like this happen and try to not let it get to us okay."

Chris looked at me uncertain for a minute before faintly smiling at me and nodding his head. "Okay....and I promise you M I will straighten this out so people don't think I have a secret family or that you're using me for money or attention, because sometimes people tend to think that."

I let out a laugh at that before smiling at him.

"Trust me I know" I stated "and I know you'll straight it out because that's how much believe in you when it comes to dealing with stuff like this."

Chris smiled at me before pulling me closer to him and leaning down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck before kissing him back as I wrapped my legs around his waist so he could pull me closer to him as we continued to kiss each other. We kissed for a good time before we pulled away when Chris' phone started to ring.

When his phone began to ring we both let out groans of annoyance before grabbed his phone to see who it was. And when he did he kind of went a little wide eyed making me frown an eyebrow at him in confusion before I looked over to see who it was and went a little wide eyed myself when I saw that it was his acting Agent Jackson calling.



"You're going to answer that righ?" I questioned.

"Have to if I still want to have an awesome agent like Jackson" Chris said before answering his phone to talk to his agent.

I let out a big laugh at that  before kissing his cheek and getting to check on Ben to let Chris talk to his agent in private.


Chris has been on the phone with his agent for at least half an hour now. And I can tell him and his agent are finding out a good way to straighten out what just happened out thanks to the big smile Chris has on his face at the moment.

"Okay....thanks Jackson, i'll see you on Wednesdays...okay....bye" Chris said before hanging his phone up.

"How'd it go" I asked as I walked over to him.

Chris looked over at me and smiled. "Good....Jackson set up an interview for me with Ellen on Wednesday so I can straighten this whole thing out" Chris explained as he sat up.

" in Ellen degeneres the talk show host?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah....Jackson said she saw the news report and called him wanting to know what's going on, so thanks to that they set up the interview for me to do with her on her show on Wednesday" Chris explained.

"So you're going to LA?" I asked.

"Yep....and you and Ben are coming with me" Chris said with a big goofy smile.


"Because I want to take you two on a little vaction with me there,  and Ellen may or may not want to to meet you and hear your side of this little love story" Chris explained with a bigger goofier smile.

I looked at Chris in shock and disbelief and couldn't believe what I was hearing before smiling nice and big at Chris.

Chris smiled back at me. "So what do you say M? Do you and Ben want to come with to LA?" Chris asked.

I smiled at Chris before walking closer to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. "We would love to come with you to LA Chris."

Chris smiled at me again before wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning down to kiss me so we could continue our make out session from earlier before we were interupted by his agent calling us.

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